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  A abampere (aA) The unit of electric current in the CGSeniu system, defined as that current that, if flowing through two parallel conductors of negligible cross section and infinite length, placed 1 cm apart in vacuo, would produce on each conductor a force of 1 dyne per centimeter of length. 1 abampere = 1 abcoulomb/s = r statampere (where c = speed of light in cm/s) = 10 ampere. aberration Imperfect image formation due to geometric imperfections in the optical elements of a system ablation 1 . The wasting of glacier ice by any process (calving, melting, evaporation, etc.). 2. The shedding of molten material from the outer sur- face of a meteorite or tektite during its flight through the atmosphere. absolute age The age of a natural substance, of a fossil or living organism, or of an artifact, obtained by means of an absolute dating method. See absolute dating method. absolute density Density in kg/m' or, more commonly, in g/cm\ both at STP. Cf. density, relative density abso

The Making of a Global World


The Making of a Global World 

The Making of a Global World NCERT SOLUTION

1. Give two examples of different types of global exchanges which took place before the seventeenth century, choosing one example from Asia and one from the Americas.




Examples of the different types of global exchanges which took place before the seventeenth century:

• Example from the Americas: America had abundant crops, minerals and precious metals like gold and silver. The Europeans enhanced their wealth by utilizing the rich resources of gold and silver.

• Example from Asia: China exported pottery and silk to India and Southeast Asia in return for textile goods and spices.


2. Explain how the global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonization of the Americas.




The global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in the colonization of the Americas because the original inhabitants had no immunity against these diseases that came from Europe. Before the discovery of America, it had been cut off from regular contact with the rest of the world for millions of years. In particular, Smallpox proved a deadly killer. Once introduced, it spread deep into the continent, ahead even of any Europeans reaching there. It killed and decimated whole communities, paving the way for conquest.


3. Write a note to explain the effects of the following:

(a) The British government's decision to abolish the Corn Laws.

(b) The coming of rinderpest to Africa.

(c) The death of working-age men in Europe because of the World War.

(d) The Great Depression on the Indian economy.

(e) The decision of MNCs to relocate production to Asian countries.


(a) After the British government's decision to abolish the Corn Laws, food could be imported into

Britain is cheaper than it could be produced within the country. British agriculture was unable to compete with imports. Vast areas of land were now left uncultivated, and thousands of men and women were thrown out of work. They flocked to the cities or migrated overseas. This indirectly led to global agriculture and rapid urbanization, a prerequisite of industrial growth.


(b) Rinderpest had a terrifying impact on people’s livelihoods and the local economy. Rinderpest killed 90 percent of the cattle which destroyed African livelihoods. Planters, mine owners and colonial governments strengthened their power and forced Africans into the labor market.


(c) The death of men of working-age in Europe because of the World War reduced the able-bodied workforce in Europe. As men went to battle, women stepped in to undertake jobs that earlier only men were expected to do.


(d) The depression immediately affected Indian trade. India's exports and imports nearly halved between 1928 and 1934. Between 1928 and 1934, wheat prices in India fell by 50 percent. Across India, peasants' indebtedness increased. They used up their savings, mortgaged lands, and sold whatever jewelry and precious metals they had to meet their expenses. In these depression years, India became an exporter of precious metals, notably gold.


(e) The relocation of industry to low-wage countries stimulated world trade and capital flows. In the last two decades, the world's economic geography has been transformed as countries such as India,

China and Brazil have undergone rapid economic transformation.


4. Give two examples from history to show the impact of technology on food availability.




Two examples from history to show the impact of technology on food availability were:

→ Faster railways, lighter wagons and larger ships helped move food more cheaply and quickly from faraway farms to final markets.

→ Refrigerated ships, which enabled the transport of perishable foods like meat, butter and eggs over long distances.


5. What is meant by the Bretton Woods Agreement?




The Bretton Woods Agreement was signed between the world powers in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA. It established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to deal with external surpluses and deficits of its member nations and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was set up to finance post-war reconstruction.




6. Imagine that you are an indentured Indian laborers in the Caribbean. Drawing from the details in this chapter, write a letter to your family describing your life and feelings.




Respected Family,


I hope all of you are fine there. I have been hired by the colonizers under a contract stating that I could return to India after working for five years at a plantation. However, the contract was a fraud and these are not allowing me to return. I joined this job in the hope to escape poverty and oppression but the condition of living and working is very harsh here. Most of the workers here belong to Bihar, central India and the dry regions of Tamil Nadu. There are few legal rights given to us. However, we have developed new art forms for expression.


Your Loving,



7. Explain the three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange. Find one example of each type of flow which involved India and Indians, and write a short account of it.




The three types of movements or flows within the international economic exchange are:

(i) Flow of trade: mean trade in goods such as cloth or wheat.

(ii) Flow of labor: mean the migration of people to new areas in search of work.

(iii) Flow of capital: short-term and long-term loan to and from other nations.


(i) India has been involved in trade relations since ancient times. It exported textiles and spices in return for gold and silver from Europe.


(ii) In the nineteenth century, hundreds of thousands of Indian laborers went to work on plantations, in mines, and in road and railway construction projects around the world.


(iii) During British rule in India, many Europeans established their factories in India. Also, many Indian traders ventured beyond European colonies and they established flourishing emporia at busy ports worldwide, selling local and imported curios to tourists.


8. Explain the causes of the Great Depression.




The Great Depression was a result of many factors:

→ Prosperity in the USA during the 1920s created a cycle of higher employment and incomes. It led to a rise in consumption and demand. More investment and more employment created tendencies of speculations which led to the Great Depression of 1929 upto the mid-1930s.

→ Stock market crashed in 1929. It created panic among investors and depositors who stopped investing and depositing. As a result, it created a cycle of depreciation.

→ Failure of the banks: Some of the banks closed down when people withdrew all their assets, leaving them unable to invest. Some banks called back loans taken from them at the same dollar rate in spite of the falling value of the dollar. It was worsened by the British change in policy to value the pound at the pre-war value.


9. Explain what is referred to as the G-77 countries. In what ways can G-77 be seen as a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods twins?



G-77 countries is a group of developing countries that demanded a new international economic order (NIEO); By the NIEO they meant a system that would give them real control over their natural resources, more development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials, and better access for their

manufactured goods in developed countries’ markets.


The Bretton Woods twins i.e., the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been established by developed countries. The decision-making power in these institutions is in the hands of the Western industrial powers and USA. These institutions were set up to meet the financial needs of the industrialized countries and had nothing to do with the poverty and lack of development in the former colonial countries and developing nations. G-77 was created to cater the needs of developing nations. Therefore, G-77 may be seen as a reaction to the activities of the Bretton Woods twins.

The Making of a Global World MCQ:

Question : What was the Bretton wood system?

a) Post war the military system

b) Post war political system

c) Post war international economic system

d) None of these

Answer :  C

Question : What did indentured labor mean?

a) Cheap Labor b) Free Labor

c) Bonded Labor d) None of these

Answer :  C


Question : What were ‘Canal Colonies’?

a) Large Colonies b) Sea Ports

c) Large Canals d) Irrigated areas

Answer :  D


Question : Which food traveled west from China to be called “Spaghetti’?

a) Soya b) Groundnuts

c) Potato d) Noodles

Answer :  D


Question : Which disease spread like wildfire in Africa in the 1890’s?

a) Cattle plague b) Smallpox

c) Pneumonia d) None of these

Answer :  A


Question : Which was the Tabled city of gold?

a) Peru b) Mexico

c) El Dorado d) Spain

Answer :  C


Question : Who adopted the concept of assembly line to produce automobiles?

a) Samuel Morse b) Henry Ford

c) T. Cuppla d) Imam Husain

Answer :  B


Question : The Descendants of indentured workers is a Nobel Prize winning writer is-

a) Bob Morley b) V. S. Naipaul

c) Amartya Sen d) Ramnaresh Sarwan

Answer :  B


Question : The Great Depression began in

a) 1927 b) 1928 c) 1929 d) 1930

Answer :  C


Question : The Chutney music popular in-

a) North America b) South America

c) Japan d) China

Answer :  B


Question : Rinderpest is a?

a) Cattle disease in Africa b) Cattle disease in China

c) Cattle disease in India d) Cattle disease in Russia

Answer :  A


Question : Which of the following is not an economic exchange?

a) Flow of Labor b) Flow of Capital

c) Flow of Knowledge d) Flow of Trade

Answer :  C

Question :  Which was the Tabled city of gold?

  • a) El Dorado

  • b) Mexico

  • c) Peru

  • d) Spain

Answer : El Dorado


Question :  Which disease spread like wildfire in Africa in the 1890s?

  • a) Cattle plague

  • b) Smallpox

  • c) None of the options

  • d) Pneumonia

Answer : Cattle plague


Question :  What were Canal Colonies?

  • a) Irrigated areas

  • b) Large Canals

  • c) Sea Ports

  • d) Large Colonies

Answer : Irrigated areas


Question :  The Bretton Woods System was based on which types of rates?

  • a) Fixed

  • b) Floating

  • c) Base

  • d) Inflation

Answer : Fixed


Question :  The Bretton Woods is a

  • a) Place

  • b) Palace

  • c) Country

  • d) Institution

Answer : Place


Question :  MNCs work in

  • a) Many countries

  • b) Only one country

  • c) Two countries

  • d) None of the options

Answer : Many countries


Question :  The main aim of the post-war international economic system was to

  • a) To preserve economic stability

  • b) To maintain status

  • c) To increase export

  • d) To reduce war loans

Answer : To preserve economic stability


Question :  was a famous economist

  • a) Henry Stanley

  • b) Henry Ford

  • c) John Maynard Keynes

  • d) Barry Parker

Answer : Henry Stanley


Question :  What were the Corn Laws?

  • a) Laws to restrict the import of corn

  • b) Laws to restrict the export of corn

  • c) Laws to restrict the export and import of corn

  • d) None of the options

Answer : Laws to restrict the import of corn


Question :  Who produced the T-Model Ford car?

  • a) Henry Ford

  • b) Barry Parker

  • c) Henry Morton Stanley

  • d) Ebenezer Howard

Answer : Henry Ford


Question :  A major supplier of wheat in the world market was-

  • a) North America

  • b) Eastern Europe

  • c) Africa

  • d) Asia

Answer : North America


Question :  Rinderpest spread in Africa through-

  • a) Cattle

  • b) Birds

  • c) Human

  • d) None of the options

Answer : Cattle


Question :  Henry Morton Stanley was

  • a) Explorer

  • b) Trader

  • c) Missionary

  • d) Soldier

Answer : Explorer


Question :  The term used to describe Indian indentured labor was-

  • a) Coolie

  • b) Porter

  • c) Juggler

  • d) Rickshaw puller

Answer : Coolie


Question :  What was the use of cowries during the Indus Valley civilization?

  • a) As a form of currency

  • b) As a means of transportation

  • c) As an instrument

  • d) As a toy

Answer : As a form of currency


Question :  What is the IMF?

  • a) International Monetary Fund

  • b) International Money fund

  • c) International Monetary finances

  • d) Indian Monetary fund.

Answer : International Monetary Fund


Question :  Name the law which allowed the British Government to restrict the import of corn.

  • a) Corn Act

  • b) Food Act

  • c) Corn Laws

  • d) Import Laws

Answer : Corn Act


Question :  What is NIEO?

  • a) New international economic order

  • b) New Indian economic order

  • c) New international Excise order

  • d) New international economic ordinance.

Answer : New international economic order


Question :  Which of the following is not an economic exchange?

  • a) Flow of Knowledge

  • b) Flow of Capital

  • c) Flow of Labor

  • d) Flow of Trade

Answer : Flow of Knowledge


Question :  RinderPest is a?

  • a) Cattle disease in Africa

  • b) Cattle disease in China

  • c) Cattle disease in India

  • d) Cattle disease in Russia

Answer : Cattle disease in Africa


Question :  The Chutney music was popular in-

  • a) South America

  • b) North America

  • c) Japan

  • d) China

Answer : South America


Question :  The great Depression began in

  • a) 1929

  • b) 1928

  • c) 1927

  • d) 1930

Answer : 1929


Question :  The Descendants of indentured workers is a Nobel Prize winning writer is-

  • a) V. S. Naipaul

  • b) Bob Morley

  • c) Amartya Sen

  • d) Ramnaresh Sarwan

Answer : V. S. Naipaul


Question :  Who adopted the concept of assembly line to produce automobiles?

  • a) Henry Ford

  • b) Samuel Morse

  • c) T. Cupola

  • d) Imam Husain

Answer : Henry Ford


Question :  Which was the Tabled city of gold?

  • a) El Dorado

  • b) Mexico

  • c) Peru

  • d) Spain

Answer : El Dorado


Question :   Which disease spread like wildfire in Africa in the 1890s?

  • a) Cattle plague

  • b) Smallpox

  • c) None of the options

  • d) Pneumonia

Answer : Cattle plague


Question :  Which food traveled west from China to be called Spaghetti?

  • a) Noodles

  • b) Potato

  • c) Groundnuts

  • d) Soya

Answer : Noodles


Question :  What were Canal Colonies?

  • a) Irrigated areas

  • b) Large Canals

  • c) Sea Ports

  • d) Large Colonies

Answer : Irrigated areas


Question :  What did indentured labor mean?

  • a) Bonded Labor

  • b) Free Labor

  • c) Cheap Labor

  • d) None of the options

Answer : Bonded Labor


Question :  What was the Bretton Woods system?

  • a) Post war international economic system

  • b) Post war political system

  • c) Post war the military system

  • d) None of the options

Answer : Post war international economic system


Question : The smallpox was first brought to America by -

a) Portuguese conquerors 

b) Spanish conquerors

c) Dutch conquerors 

d) French conquerors

Question : What was the G-77?

a) Group of developed countries 

b) Group of Developing country

c) Group of underdeveloped country 

d) Group of overdeveloped country


Question : To escape religious persecution, the people of Europe fled to -

a) Africa 

b) Australia

c) America 

d) Asia


Question : The Bretton Woods system was based on the -

a) Fixed exchange rate 

b) NSY exchange rate

c) BSE exchange rate 

d) National Exchange Rate


Question : Railways were developed to link ports with -

a) industries 

b) forest regions

c) agricultural regions

d) plantations


Question : In the plantations developed in America, the two chief crops grown were -

a) peanuts and sugar beet 

b) sugarcane and cotton

c) rubber and coffee 

d) tea and coffee


Question : The pre-modern world shrank due to the discovery of -

a) sea route 

b) iron

c) steam engine 

d) America


Question : Large number of people in Europe died in the 1840s due to a disease which destroyed the-

a) soya crop 

b) maize crop

c) beet crop 

d) potato crop


Question : Pasta was taken by Arab traders to -

a) Germany 

b) China

c) Spain 

d) Sicily


Question : Foods like chillies, soya, potato etc., were introduced in Asia and Europe from -

a) Australia 

b) New Zealand

c) America 

d) Africa

The Making of a Global World  SAQ

Q1. What role did the silk route play between the Chinese and the Romans?Silk Route

Silk Route

  • The Romans learned about the silk route from the Parthians around 53 B.C.E. They used the word “Seres” or the silk people to refer to the Chinese. 

  • Though there was no direct evidence of any Roman merchants or Chinese in both civilizations, silk was most coveted in Rome. Roman items were popular in China too.


Q2. Explain how food habits are good indicators of globalization.

The exchange of food crops and habits between different regions and their adoption by different societies was a good indicator of globalization.

Example: The Europeans benefited from the introduction of potatoes with good nutrients and health. Thousands perished in the 1840s during the Irish Potato Famine.


Q3. Describe in a few words how Europe changed at the end of the eighteenth century. 

  • Scientific and revolutionary ideas changed the outlook and conduct of the European people by the end of the eighteenth century. The Industrial Revolution took place in England and spread over to other European nations. 

  • The Reformation led to the Protestant movement led by Martin Luther which further helped capitalism and scientific thinking.


Q4. Who were the indentured laborers? Which states of India produced the largest number of indentured labor? (2010)

Indian Indentured Laborers

Indian Indentured LabourersIndentured laborers were bonded laborers who were transferable to any country on contract for a specific amount of wage and time. Most of the laborers were from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Central India and certain districts of Tamil Nadu.


Q5. Describe some technological developments of the nineteenth century that affected industrial growth. (2010) 

  • Railways were needed to link agricultural regions to the ports. Shipbuilding became an important industry and countries competed to control the trade routes on seas. 

  • The invention of the steam engine made it possible for steamships and railways to carry large volumes of trading materials between long and inaccessible distances.


Q6. What was the new system of slavery in the nineteenth century? (2010)


Nineteenth-Century indenture has been described as a new system of slavery.

Explain any three points.

  • The poor laborers recruited as indentured laborers were often cheated by the agents and employers alike.

  • Some were forcibly taken, while some were not even told of their final destinations.

  • They were treated miserably. Such practices led some historians to refer to it as ‘a new system of slavery.’


Q7. How was the USA able to recover from the post–World War economic crisis? 

  • The USA was able to recover from the post-war crisis at a great speed. Its economy resumed its strong growth in the early 1920s. 

  • An important factor was the introduction of mass production. Henry Ford, the owner of the Ford Company, was the first man to start using a new system of production, known as assembly line production

  • Others included large foreign investment and war-time loans as well as agricultural exports.


Q8. Describe how the Great Depression spread from the USA to other countries of the world. 

  • The American crisis affected other countries in Europe and elsewhere by virtue of their being dependent on her overseas capital investment and loans. Then, their own internal weaknesses made the conditions worse. 

  • Many factors were responsible including lack of confidence and panic among the investors. 

  • Britain also decided to return to the gold standard ratio of US dollar 4.86 to 1 pound sterling which was the pre-World War I level.


Q9. Write a short note on the effects of the Second World War. 

  • The Second World War was more devastating than the first. About 3% of the world’s population perished, more civilians died than the fighting soldiers. 

  • Two crucial developments shaped the post-war scenario of which the first one was the emergence of the USA and the USSR as superpowers. 

  • The second was the establishment of international organizations like the UNO and others to maintain peace and stability.


Q10. Briefly summarize the two lessons learned by the economists and politicians from the post-war economic experience.

In the post-war system two lessons learned by economists and politicians were:

  • One was to ensure mass consumption in industrial society by high and stable income.

  • Another one was to ensure full employment and government control of flows of goods, capital and labor.

Therefore, they aimed to establish a stable economy and provide full employment in the industrial nations through the Bretton Woods institutions, namely, the IMF and the World Bank.


Q11. How did silk routes link the world? Explain with three suitable examples. (2010)


Explain any three characteristics of the Silk Route. [2011 (T-1)]

Pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant places were established by the Silk Routes.  

  • The silk route linked the West and China as silk cargoes were carried along this route. Historians have mentioned and identified several silk routes over land and by sea which brought together vast areas of Asia and linked Asia with Europe and Northern Africa.

  • Chinese pottery traveled to India through these routes, even before the Christian era, and textiles and spices from India and South-East Asia; precious metals, like gold and silver, flowed from Europe to Asia.

  • Trade and cultural exchange took place at the same time. Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread in several directions through the silk route. Christian missionaries travelled through these routes to Asia, as did the early Muslim preachers a few centuries later.

Write a brief note on the ‘ Irish Potato Famine’.

Europe’s poor began to eat better and live longer with the introduction of the humble potato. Ireland’s poorest peasants became so dependent on potatoes that when disease destroyed the potato crop in the mid-1840s, hundreds of thousands died of starvation . These starvation deaths were called the ‘ Irish Potato Famine’.

What are ‘canal colonies’ ?

The British Indian government built a network of irrigation canals in Punjab, to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands that could grow wheat and cotton for export. The Colonies situated around the areas irrigated by the new canals were called Canal Colonies. Peasants from other parts of Punjab came and settled in these Canal colonies.

Write a short note on Sir Henry Morton Stanley.

Stanley was a journalist and explorer sent by the New York Herald to find Livingston, a missionary and explorer who had been in Africa for several years. Like other European and American explorers of the time, Sir Stanley also went with arms, mobilized local hunters, warriors and laborers to help him, fought with local tribes, investigated African terrains, and mapped different regions. These explorations helped the conquest of Africa.

Indentured labor migration from India – discuss its causes and its impact.

A bonded laborer under contract to work for an employer for a specific amount of time, to pay off his passage to a new country or home is called an Indentured laborer.

Indentured labor migration from India illustrates the two-sided nature of the nineteenth-century world. It was a world of faster economic growth as well as great misery, higher incomes for some and poverty for others, technological advances in some areas and new forms of coercion in others.

In the nineteenth century, hundreds of thousands of Indian and Chinese laborers went to work on plantations, in mines, and in road and railway construction projects around the world. In India, indentured laborers were hired under contracts which promised return travel to India after they had worked five years on their employer’s plantation.

Most Indian indentured workers came from the present-day regions of eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, central India and the dry districts of Tamil Nadu. In the mid-nineteenth century these regions experienced many changes – cottage industries declined, land rents rose, lands were cleared for mines and plantations. All this affected the lives of the poor: they failed to pay their rents, became deeply indebted and were forced to migrate in search of work.

The main destinations of Indian indentured migrants were the Caribbean islands

Indentured workers were also recruited for tea plantations in Assam.

Many migrants agreed to take up work hoping to escape poverty or oppression in their home villages. But soon laborers found conditions to be different from what they had imagined. Living and working conditions were harsh, and there were few legal rights.

The workers discovered their own ways of surviving. Many of them escaped into the wild, though if caught they faced severe punishment. Others developed new forms of individual and collective self expression, blending different cultural forms, old and new.

These forms of cultural fusion are part of the making of the global world, where things from different places get mixed, lose their original characteristics and become something entirely new.

Give a brief account on Indian Bankers and Traders.

The Shikaripuri shroffs and Nattukottai Chettiars of India were amongst the many groups of bankers and traders who financed export agriculture in Central and Southeast Asia, using either their own funds or those borrowed from European banks.

They had a sophisticated system to transfer money over large distances, and even developed indigenous forms of corporate organization.

Indian traders and moneylenders also followed European colonists into Africa. The Hyderabadi Sindhi traders, however, ventured beyond European colonies, and established flourishing emporia at busy ports worldwide. From the 1860s, they began selling local and imported curios to tourists whose numbers were beginning to swell, thanks to the development of safe and comfortable passenger vessels.

What is mass production and mass consumption?

One important feature of the vibrant US economy of the 1920s was mass production. A well-known pioneer of mass production was the car manufacturer Henry Ford. He adapted the assembly line production to his new car plant in Detroit.

The assembly line production forced workers to repeat a single task mechanically and continuously – such as fitting a particular part to the car – at a pace dictated by the conveyor belt. This was a way of increasing the output per worker by speeding up the pace of work.

Standing in front of a conveyor belt no worker could afford to delay the motions, take a break, or even have a friendly word with a workmate. As a result, Henry

Ford’s cars came off the assembly line at three-minute intervals, a speed much faster than that achieved by previous methods. The T-Model Ford was the world’s first mass-produced car.

Mass production reduced the cost of goods and this resulted in mass consumption.

Colonialism during the late 19th century – discuss.

Trade flourished and markets expanded resulting in increased prosperity in the late nineteenth century. In many parts of the world, the expansion of trade and a closer relationship with the world economy also meant a loss of freedoms and livelihoods. European conquests in the late nineteenth-century produced many painful economic, social and ecological changes through which the colonized societies were brought into the world economy.

Rival European powers in Africa drew up the borders demarcating their respective territories. In 1885 the big European powers met in Berlin to complete the carving up of Africa between them. Britain and France made vast additions to their overseas territories in the late nineteenth century.

Belgium and Germany became new colonial powers. The US also became a colonial power in the late 1890s by taking over some colonies earlier held by Spain.

The impact of colonialism on the economy and livelihoods of colonized people was destructive.

What were the crucial influences that shaped post-war ( II World War) reconstruction?

Two crucial influences shaped post-war reconstruction. The first was the US’s emergence as the dominant economic, political and military power in the Western world. The second was the dominance of the Soviet Union. It had made huge sacrifices to defeat Nazi Germany, and transformed itself from a backward agricultural country into a world power during the very years when the capitalist world was trapped in the Great Depression.

Write a short note on Sir Henry Morton Stanley.

Stanley was a journalist and explorer sent by the New York Herald to find Livingston, a missionary and explorer who had been in Africa for several years. Like other European and American explorers of the time, Sir Stanley also went with arms, mobilized local hunters, warriors and laborers to help him, fought with local tribes, investigated African terrains, and mapped different regions. These explorations helped the conquest of Africa.

Give a brief account on Indian Bankers and Traders.

The Shikaripuri shroffs and Nattukottai Chettiars of India were amongst the many groups of bankers and traders who financed export agriculture in Central and Southeast Asia, using either their own funds or those borrowed from European banks.

They had a sophisticated system to transfer money over large distances, and even developed indigenous forms of corporate organization.

Indian traders and moneylenders also followed European colonists into Africa. The Hyderabadi Sindhi traders, however, ventured beyond European colonies, and established flourishing emporia at busy ports worldwide. From the 1860s, they began selling local and imported curios to tourists whose numbers were beginning to swell, thanks to the development of safe and comfortable passenger vessels.

What were the crucial influences that shaped post-war (II World War) reconstruction?

Two crucial influences shaped post-war reconstruction. The first was the US’s emergence as the dominant economic, political and military power in the Western world. The second was the dominance of the Soviet Union. It had made huge sacrifices to defeat Nazi Germany, and transformed itself from a backward agricultural country into a world power during the very years when the capitalist world was trapped in the Great Depression.

What are ‘canal colonies’?

The British Indian government built a network of irrigation canals in Punjab, to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands that could grow wheat and cotton for export. The Colonies situated around the areas irrigated by the new canals were called Canal Colonies. Peasants from other parts of Punjab came and settled in these Canal colonies.

The Making of a Global World  LONG question

Q.1. What is globalization? Explain.

Ans. Globalization is generally associated with economy as the free movement of capital, goods, technology, ideas and people across the globe. Globalization in a broader sense also includes cultural exchanges between different countries of the world. In the modern world, globalization has acquired special significance due to the development of Internet technology and tele-communication. Therefore, globalization involves the following features:

(i) Economic freedom to trade internationally.

(ii) Migration in search of employment and a better life.

(iii) Cultural exchange like the spread of Buddhism and knowledge.Long Answer Questions - The making of Global World Class 10 Notes | EduRev

The interlinking of the world is a continuous process from the past. In the past, interlinking involved only a few travelers, traders, priests and pilgrims who traveled vast distances in search of knowledge, opportunity, spiritual fulfillments or to escape persecution. In modern days, interlinking is faster and involves more people. In other words, the world is shrinking in terms of communication and trade.


Q.2. Trace the origin of the Silk Route and its significance.

Ans. The Silk Route is one of the world’s oldest and historically most important trade routes which affected the cultures of China, Central Asia and the West. It had many branches leading to different regions, including ancient India. It played an important role as a means of pre-modern trade and cultural exchange between different regions. The Romans learned about the Silk Route from the Parthians around 53 B.C.E. They used the word “Seres”or the silk people to refer to the Chinese. The modern word “Silk Route” was coined by a German scholar, Von Richthofen, in the nineteenth century. Silk was considered the most precious by the Romans even though it was only one of the many commodities that was traded between China and the world through this route.

The Silk RouteThe Silk Route

Q.3. How is culture a great agent of globalization? Explain with an example.

Ans. Trade and cultural exchange went hand in hand. Religion was perhaps one of the most important commodities carried along the Silk Route. Buddhism reached China from India along the northern branch of the route. The Karakorum passes were used as a means to explore the faiths and scriptures by the missionaries.

Art, literature and philosophical ideas were exchanged and in the process, it affected the cultures of different countries to which the route branched out. Even Christian missionaries travelled along the Silk Route to Asia, followed by Muslim preachers a few centuries later. The long rule of the British in India also left an indelible western influence in different ways.


Q.4. Explain how Europe was able to leap ahead of other continents by the 18th century.

Ans. Europe made a leap ahead of others due to scientific and revolutionary ideas rooted in different developments.

(i) Renaissance or rebirth of knowledge in which classical Greek and Roman art, architecture, literature were rediscovered.

(ii) The Industrial Revolution, leading to new inventions and technology.

(iii) Ideas and principles influenced by the American Revolution and French Revolution in the form of democracy, liberty, capitalism, nationalism etc.


Q.5. Discuss why the Europeans were motivated to establish colonies.

Ans. Europe became the center of world trade by the nineteenth century, mainly sustained by colonies. Colonization of the Americas was motivated more by the greed of wealth and search for a better life. On the other hand, colonization of Asian and African countries was also motivated by conditions in Europe, caused by the Industrial Revolution and greed for economic and political dominance of the world.

Many factors motivated the Europeans to establish colonies:

(i) Some Europeans left for America seeking better life and some were dissenters (those who refuse to accept established beliefs and practices) and prisoners.

(ii) The Industrial Revolution created the need for unlimited resources and cheap labor. They needed raw materials to feed the growing industries. They also needed markets for distribution.They needed colonies.

(iii) Missionary zeal of the Jesuits and nationalism inspired further exploration, conversion and territorial expansion.


Q.6. Discuss one of the important causes and effects of the development of global agriculture.

Ans. Cause : The abolition of Corn Laws led to the import of cheap agricultural products in England. Unable to compete with imports, many left agricultural activities and flocked to the cities. This led to large-scale migration of people to cities and overseas. This indirectly led to global agriculture and rapid urbanization, a prerequisite of industrial growth. Countries like Eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia increased their food productivity to meet the British needs and in the process, slowly became industrialized to different degrees.

Effects : Nearly 50 million people migrated from Europe to America and Australia in the nineteenth century. Another estimate was the migration of about 150 millions of the world population, mostly from Europe, who crossed the oceans for a better life. By the end of the nineteenth century, a global agricultural economy replaced the earlier self-sufficient economy. Industries and factories helped in a better flow of capital and technologies. Colonies were firmly established and they provided cheap raw materials and labor, who manned most of the railways in Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.


Q.7. What were the effects of colonialism on Indian agricultural export in the nineteenth century?

Ans. The effects of colonialism in Indian agriculture was the destruction of self-sufficiency in rural areas. Some of the important features are listed below:

(i) The traditional cotton handlooms and products could not compete with the industrial manufactured cotton textiles from Britain.

(ii) High tariff on Indian textiles and import taxes on Indian goods entering Britain severely affected Indian farmers.

(iii) Indigo plantation and other cash crops replaced food crops, leading to shortage of food, especially during famines, etc.

(iv) Moneylenders and landlords exploited farmers who were indebted to them and many became landless laborers.


Q.8. Explain how the world was transformed after the World War (1914-1918).

Ans. The Great War transformed the world drastically with the adoption of a new mode of warfare based on modern weapons of mass destruction. They used machine guns, tanks, aircraft, chemical weapons, etc. on a mass scale. The number of deaths reached up to 9 million and of the injured reached upto 20 million at the end of the war. Most of the victims belonged to young generations or the workforce. As a result, it reduced the workforce in Europe, thereby reducing household income.

Economic transformation was in the form of a shift in investment and capital distribution. The wartime situations encouraged production of war-related goods. The Society also reorganized to meet wartime challenges, such as the increasing role played by women in areas previously predominated by men.

Politically, the war also brought new allies and new enemies between powerful countries. The war in Europe transformed the US from being an international debtor to an international creditor. The Russian revolution of 1917 also affected global relations when the first communist government was established under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin. Colonies changed hands while some new nations emerged.


Q.9. What were the immediate effects of the World War on European agriculture?


Europe paid a heavy price during and after the World War, especially in terms of economic status.

(i) America, Australia and Canada became main exporters of agricultural and manufactured goods during the war. For example, Eastern Europe was a major supplier of wheat products in pre-war time. Their production ceased during the wartime and Europe depended on wheat imports from the USA, Canada and Australia.

(ii) There was a shortage of food during the war as all forms of production ceased during the war. The countryside was especially hit due to bad crops and ravages of war.

(iii) In Russia, the war expenses and death tolls at the front led to an uprising which became the Russian Revolution of 1917. It led to the foundation of Communism.

(iv) When the war ended, Eastern Europe revived its wheat production, leading to a glut in the economy. In other words, grain prices fell as a result of overproduction or excess in supply. Rural incomes declined and farmers fell deeper into debts.


Q.10. Trace the different stages of development of the assembly line production.

Ans. Henry Ford, the pioneer of the assembly line production, was inspired by the assembly line of a Chicago slaughter house which he adapted to his new car plant in Detroit. Accordingly, the workers were forced to repeat a single task mechanically and continuously, standing in front of a conveyor belt with no respite or break to delay the motions. As a result, Ford cars came out of the assembly line at three minute intervals, much faster than any other methods. The TModel Ford was the world’s first mass-produced car.

The stress and the pressure of working monotonously led many workers to quit their jobs. Henry Ford doubled the daily wages to five dollars in January 1914. He banned trade unions from operating in his plants. He was able to recover his wages by repeatedly speeding up the production line and forcing the workers to work even harder.


Q.11. Who profits from jute cultivation according to the jute growers’ lament? Explain.

Ans. The impact of the Great Depression in India was felt especially in the agricultural sector.

(i) It was evident that the Indian economy was closely becoming integrated into the global economy. India was a British colony and it exported agricultural goods and imported manufactured goods. The depression affected Indian trade as India’s exports and imports declined extensively between 1928 and 1934. As international prices fell, prices in India also fell.

(ii) The jute growers of Bengal lamented that the traders sitting at home benefited from growing jute while the peasants suffered from rising cost of production and debts. Despite the falling prices of agricultural goods, the colonial power refused to reduce the revenue demands in cash. Peasants and farmers involved in cash crops were worst hit.

(iii) The urban salaried class and the landlords benefited from the falling prices of agricultural products and the value of rent increased. Large scale migration from villages to towns and cities also affected the urban life-styles.


Q.12. Write down important causes and effects of the Second World War.

Ans. The Second World War started in 1939 and continued up to 1945. The two warring camps were :

(i) The Allies consisting of Britain, France, Russia and the USA.

(ii) The Axis powers consisting of Germany, Japan and Italy.

Causes :

Many factors caused the Second World War. The Great Depression of 1929, failure of the League of Nations, rise of dictatorship in Germany and Italy under the Nazis and Mussolini respectively were some of the important causes.

Effects :

(i) About 3 percent of the world’s population perished.

(ii) Two crucial developments shaped the post-war scenario. They were:

(a) The emergence of the USA and the USSR as superpowers.

At least 6 million people died, and millions more were injured. Most of the deaths took place outside the battlefields. More civilians than fighting soldiers died. Vast parts of Europe and Asia were devastated and several cities destroyed by aerial bombings. It caused enormous economic devastation and social disruption. Reconstruction was long and difficult.

(b) The establishment of international organizations like the UNO and others to maintain peace and stability.


Q.13. Discuss some important features of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


Role : The IMF was to deal with external surpluses and deficits of its member nations. The World Bank was an international bank for reconstruction and development aimed to finance post-war reconstruction.

The IMF and the World Bank commenced financial operations in 1947.

Features :

(i) The western powers and especially the USA controlled the decision-making provisions such as the right to veto.

(ii) The international monetary system was to link national currencies and the monetary system.

(iii) The Bretton Woods system was based on a fixed exchange rate whereby national currencies were pegged to the American dollar at a fixed rate. The dollar was anchored to gold at a fixed price of $35 per ounce of gold.

Describe the effect of the Great Depression on the world? Who were the worst affected by this depression? (2013, 2015)

The Great Depression began around 1929 and lasted till the mid-1930s. During this period, there were catastrophic declines in production, employment, incomes and trade. Agricultural regions and communities were worst affected due to the great fall of agricultural prices.

In the US, farmers could not sell their harvests, households were ruined and businesses collapsed. Many households in the US could not repay their loans due to fall in their income and were forced to give up their homes, cars and other consumer durables. Unemployment increased rapidly and people had to travel long distances in search of work.

The Great Depression’s wider effects on society, politics and international relations and on people's needs proved more enduring. The Depression immediately affected Indian trade. India’s exports and imports halved between 1928 and 1934.

Peasants and farmers suffered more than urban dwellers. Though agricultural prices fell sharply, the colonial government refused to reduce revenue demands. Peasants producing for the world market were the worst hit. Across India, peasants' indebtedness increased.

The relocation of industry to low-wage countries stimulated world trade and capital flows.” Justify the statement. (2014)

The industrial world was hit by unemployment that began rising from the mid 1970s and remained until the 1990s. From the late 1970s, MNCs began to shift production operations to low-wage Asian countries. New Economic policies in China and collapse of the Soviet Union and communication in Eastern Europe brought many countries back into the world economy.

Wages were relatively low in countries like China. The became attractive destinations for investments by foreign MNCs competing to capture the world market.

Thus the relocation of industry to low-wage countries stimulated world trade and capital flow.

Why did the developing countries organize the G-77? Give three reasons. (2015)

(i) The formation of the G-77 was a response to certain changes in the international financial system proposed by the Bretton Woods Conference. The IMF and the World Bank (Bretton Woods Twins) were designed to meet the financial requirements of industrial countries. Although there was unprecedented growth in the West and Japan, nothing was done about the poverty and lack of development in the countries which were earlier colonies.

(ii) The developing countries did not benefit from the fast growth the western economies experienced under the guidance of the World Bank and the IMF. Thus, there arose a need for the developing nations to organize themselves into the G-77 group to demand a New International Economic Order.

(iii) The formation of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) meant a system that would give them real control over their natural resources, more development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials and better access for their manufactured goods in developed countries’ markets.

“The pre-modern world changed with the discovery of new sea routes to America. “Give any three suitable examples to explain the statement. (2015)

Christopher Columbus discovered the vast continent that later came to be known as America. With the discovery of America, the cultural exchange with the original inhabitants of a vast continent started.

  1. Foods like potatoes, maize, tomatoes, chillies, sweet potatoes, which were not known to people of other continents, were introduced there and became a part of their daily diet.

  2. Precious metals, particularly silver from mines located in present-day Peru and Mexico, also enhanced Europe’s wealth and financed its trade with Asia.

  3. Slave trade started. European traders captured slaves in Africa and took them to America, where they worked on plantations. Europe became the center of World trade.

  4. Religious dissenters were persecuted in Europe. Thousands therefore fled Europe for America.

  5. From the sixteenth century, America’s vast lands and abundant crops and minerals began to transform trade and lives everywhere.

Explain the impact of the First World War on Britain’s economy. (2013)

Britain, the world's leading economy in the pre-war period, faced a prolonged crisis:

  1. To finance war expenditure, Britain had borrowed liberally from the US. This meant that at the end of the war, Britain was burdened with huge external debts.

  2. The war had disturbed Britain’s position of dominance in the Indian market. In India, the Nationalist Movement had gathered strength and anti-British feeling had become stronger among common people. Promotion of Indian industries had become one of the objectives of the Nationalist leaders, which adversely affected industries in Britain.

  3. There was widespread increase in unemployment coupled with decrease in agricultural and industrial production. Cotton production collapsed and export of cotton from Britain fell dramatically.

  4. Unable to modernize, Britain was finding it difficult to compete with the U.S., Germany and Japan internationally.

Describe the effect of the Great Depression on the world? Who were the worst affected by this depression? (2017 D)

The Great Depression began around 1929 and lasted till the mid-1930s. During this period, there were catastrophic declines in production, employment, incomes and trade. Agricultural regions and communities were worst affected due to the great fall of agricultural prices.

In the US, farmers could not sell their harvests, households were ruined and businesses collapsed. Many households in the US could not repay their loans due to fall in their income and were forced to give up their homes, cars and other consumer durables. Unemployment increased rapidly and people had to travel long distances in search of work.

The Great Depression’s wider effects on society, politics and international relations and on people's needs proved more enduring. The Depression immediately affected Indian trade. Indian exports and imports halved between 1928 and 1934.

Peasants and farmers suffered more than urban dwellers. Though agricultural prices fell sharply, the colonial government refused to reduce revenue demands. Peasants producing for the world market were the worst hit. Across India, peasants' indebtedness increased.

The new crops could make the difference between life and death”. Explain the above statement in context of the Irish Potato Famine. (2017 OD)

Sometimes the new crops could make the difference between life and death.


Europe’s poor began to eat better and live longer with the introduction of the humble potato.

Ireland’s poorest peasants became so dependent on the potatoes that when disease destroyed the potato crop in the mid-1840s, hundreds of thousands died of starvation.

Hungry children digged for potatoes in a field that had already been harvested, hoping to discover some leftovers.

During the Great Irish Potato Famine, around ten lakh people died of starvation in Ireland and double the number emigrated in search of work.

What are indentured laborers? How were they recruited? Explain the condition of the indentured laborers who went to work in different parts of the world. (2012)

Indentured labor was a practice introduced by the British in the nineteenth century. Indentured labor refers to bonded labor under contract. The laborer works for an employer for a specified period of time. In the 19th century hundreds of thousands of Indian and Chinese laborers went to work on plantations, in mines and in road and railway construction projects around the world.

  1. In India, indentured labor were hired under contracts which promised return travel to India after they had worked five years on their employers’ plantations.

  2. Recruitment was done by agents employed by the plantation owners and paid a small commission.

  3. Agents also sometimes tempted these migrants by providing false information regarding their destinations, modes of travel, the nature of work and living and working conditions. Sometimes agents even forcibly abducted less willing workers.

Condition of Indentured Labor. Many migrants agreed to take up work to escape poverty and oppression in their home villages.

  1. On arrival at the plantations, labourers found conditions to be different from what they had imagined. Living and working conditions were hard and there were very few legal rights.

  2. But workers discovered their own ways of surviving. Many of them escaped into the wild, though if caught they would face severe punishment.

  3. Others developed new forms of individual and collective self expression, blending different cultural forms. In Trinidad, the annual Muharram procession was transformed into a riotous carnival called ‘Hosay’, in which workers of all races and religions joined. The protest religion ‘Rastafarianism’ and ‘Chutney Music’ popular in the Caribbean both were developed post the indentured experience.

Most indentured labor gradually found that their economic and social positions were not inferior to but often better off than their own country.

Describe the factors that led to the end of the Bretton Woods system and the beginning of Globalisation. (2013)

Most of the developing countries could not benefit from the fast growth of western economies. Therefore, they organized themselves as a group of 77 (G-77) and demanded a New International Economic Order (NIEO). NIEO meant a system that would give them control over their own natural resources, more development assistance, fairer prices for raw materials and better access for their manufactured goods in developed markets.

From the mid-1970s, the international financial system changed in an important way. Developing countries could no longer turn to international institutions for loans.

They were now forced to borrow from western commercial banks and private lending institutions. This led to a debt crisis in the developing world.

The industrial world was also hit by unemployment and MNCs began to shift production operations to low wage Asian countries. Countries like China became attractive destinations for investment by foreign MNCs competing to capture the world market. This stimulated world trade and capital flows and led to the beginning of globalization.

Why have the historians described the 19th century indenture as a ‘new system of slavery’? Explain any five reasons. (2013)

Indentured labor is a bonded laborer under contract to work for an employer for a specific amount of time, to pay for his passage to a new country or home.

Reasons why it can be described as new system of slavery:

  1. Many migrants agreed to take up work to escape poverty and oppression in their home villages. They were cheated and were provided false information by the agents regarding their destination, modes of travel, the nature of work and working conditions.

  2. Often migrants were not even told that they were to go on long sea journeys and sometimes agents forcibly abducted less willing workers.

  3. The tasks allotted to them on plantations were extremely heavy and could not be completed in a day. They were beaten or imprisoned for not being able to meet tasks.

  4. Deductions were made from wages if the work was considered unsatisfactory or if they failed to complete a job.

  5. Living and working conditions were harsh and there were few legal rights to protect the workers.

Describe any five effects of the abolition of ‘Corn Laws’ in Britain. (2014)

With the population growth and the expansion of urban sector and industry the demand for agricultural products went up, pushing up prices of food grain. Under pressure from landed groups, the Government also restricted the import of com. The laws allowing the Government to do this were commonly known as Com Laws. Unhappy with high food prices, the industrialists and urban dwellers forced the abolition of Com Laws.

Effect: Abolition of Corn Laws allowed the merchants in England to import food grains from abroad at lower costs.

The major effects of this were:

  1. It led to widespread unemployment in the agricultural sector, but prosperity in the industrial sector.

  2. It also resulted in the rise of a prosperous capitalist class in the urban areas.

  3. Another immediate effect that was noticed was that unemployment in the rural sector forced the movement of labor from the agricultural to the industrial sector.

  4. Migration of agricultural laborers to industrial sectors led to the growth of population in the urban areas.


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