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  A abampere (aA) The unit of electric current in the CGSeniu system, defined as that current that, if flowing through two parallel conductors of negligible cross section and infinite length, placed 1 cm apart in vacuo, would produce on each conductor a force of 1 dyne per centimeter of length. 1 abampere = 1 abcoulomb/s = r statampere (where c = speed of light in cm/s) = 10 ampere. aberration Imperfect image formation due to geometric imperfections in the optical elements of a system ablation 1 . The wasting of glacier ice by any process (calving, melting, evaporation, etc.). 2. The shedding of molten material from the outer sur- face of a meteorite or tektite during its flight through the atmosphere. absolute age The age of a natural substance, of a fossil or living organism, or of an artifact, obtained by means of an absolute dating method. See absolute dating method. absolute density Density in kg/m' or, more commonly, in g/cm\ both at STP. Cf. density, relative density abso

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe NCERT Class 10 History


The Rise of Nationalism in Europe NCERT Class 10 History 

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe NCERT Class 10 History 1

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQ

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe SAQ: 63

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe LONG QUESTION: 83

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe History  NCERT SOLUTION:

1. Write a Note on:

a) Giuseppe Mazzini

b) Count Camilo de Cavour

c) The Greek War of Independence

d) The Frankfurt Parliament

e) The role of women in nationalist struggles


a) Giuseppe Mazzini: Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary. He was born in Genoa in 1807. He was a member of the secret society of the Carbonari. At the age of 24, he was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria. He founded underground societies named ‘Young Italy’ in Marseilles and ‘Young Europe’ in Berne, whose members were like-minded young men from Poland, France, Italy and the German States. He believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind. So, Italy had to be forged into a single unified republic within a wider alliance of nations.


b) Count Camilo de Cavour: Cavour was chief minister of Sardinia-Piedmont state who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy. He was neither a revolutionary nor a democrat. Like many other wealthy and educated members of the Italian elite, he spoke French much better than he did Italian. He engineered a careful diplomatic alliance with France, which helped Sardinia-Piedmont defeat the Austrian forces in 1859, and thereby free the northern part of Italy from the Austrian Habsburgs.


c) The Greek War of Independence: Greece was a part of the Ottoman Empire since the 15th century. The struggle for independence amongst the Greeks began in 1821. Nationalists in Greece got support from other Greeks living in exile and also from many Western Europeans sharing sympathies for ancient Greek culture. Poets and artists lauded Greece as the cradle of European civilisation and mobilised public opinion to support its struggle against a Muslim empire. Finally, the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised Greece as an independent nation.


d) The Frankfurt Parliament: It was an all-German National Assembly formed by a large number of political associations whose members were middle-class professionals, businessmen and prosperous artisans. Its first meeting was convened on 18 May 1848 in the Church of St. Paul at Frankfurt. They drafted a constitution for the German nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to a parliament. The king of Prussia rejected the crown offered by the deputies of parliament and joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly. As it was dominated by the middle classes who resisted the demands of workers and artisans and consequently lost their support. In the end, troops were called in and the assembly was forced to disband.


e) The role of women in nationalist struggles: The issue of extending political rights to women was a controversial one within the liberal movement, in which large numbers of women had participated actively over the years. Women had formed their own political associations, founded newspapers and taken part in political meetings and demonstrations. Despite this, they were denied suffrage during the election of the Assembly. When the Frankfurt Parliament convened in the Church of St. Paul, women were admitted only as observers to stand in the visitors’ gallery.


2. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?




The French revolutionaries took many important steps to create a sense of collective identity among the French people which were:

→ Ideas of la Patrie (the fatherland) and le Citoyen (the citizen) emphasizing the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution.

→ A new French flag, a tricolor, replaced the royal standard.

→ The Estates General was renamed the National Assembly and was elected by a group of active citizens.

→ New hymns, oaths and martyrs commemorated in the name of the nation.

→ A central administrative system made uniform laws for the entire nation.

→ Discouraging regional dialects and promoting French as a common language of the nation.


3. Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in which they were portrayed?




Marianne and Germania were female allegories for the French and the German nation respectively. These female allegories were used to portray ideas such as Liberty, Justice and the Republic. These allegories remind the public of the national symbol of unity and to persuade them to identify with it.


4. Briefly trace the process of German unification.




In 1848, the middle class Germans tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state governed by an elected parliament. But they were repressed by the combined forces of the monarchy and the military, supported by the large landowners of Prussia. After this, Prussia soon became the leader of the German unification movement. Its Chief Minister Otto von Bismarck was the architect of the process with support from the Prussian army and Prussian bureaucracy. The unification process was completed after Prussia won wars with Austria, Denmark and France over seven years. In January 1871, the Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed the German Emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles.


5. What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?




Napoleon introduced the following changes to make the administrative system more efficient in the areas ruled by him:

→ He established a civil code in 1804 also known as the Napoleonic Code which did away with all privileges based on birth and established equality before law and secured the right to property.

→ He simplified administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system, and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.

→ In towns too, guild systems were removed. Transport and communication systems were improved.




1. Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals?




The 1848 revolution was led by the educated middle class along with the poor, unemployed starving peasants and workers in Europe. In certain parts of Europe such as Germany, Italy, Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, men and women of the liberal middle classes took advantage of the growing popular unrest to push their demands for the creation of nation-states based on parliamentary principles.

The political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals were:

→ Politically, they demanded constitutionalism with national unification. They wanted the creation of a nation-state on parliamentary principles – a constitution, freedom of the press and freedom of association.

→ Socially, they wanted to rid society of its class-based partialities and birth rights. Serfdom and bonded labor had to be abolished.

→ Economically, they wanted freedom of markets and right to property. Abolition of the state imposed restrictions on the movements of goods and capital.


2. Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe.




Three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe were:


• Romanticism was a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiment. Romantic artists and poets focused on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings as their effort was to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural past, as the basis of a nation.


• Folk songs, dances and poetry were regarded as the true spirit of the nation. So collecting and recording these forms of folk culture was essential to the project of nation-building. The vernacular language and the collection of local folklore were used to carry the modern nationalist message to large audiences who were mostly illiterate. For example, Karol Kurpinski celebrated the national struggle through his operas and music, turning folk dances like the polonaise and mazurka into nationalist symbols.


• Language too played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments. After the Russian invasion, the Polish language was forced out of schools and the Russian language was imposed everywhere. After the failure of an armed rebellion against Russian rule in 1831, many members of the clergy

in Poland began to use language as a weapon of national resistance. Polish was used for Church gatherings and all religious instruction. As a result, a large number of priests and bishops were put in jail or sent to Siberia by the Russian authorities as punishment for their refusal to preach in Russian. The use of Polish came to be seen as a symbol of the struggle against Russian dominance.


3. Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the nineteenth century.




The development of the German and Italian nation states in the nineteenth century:

• Unification of Germany with the help of the Army:  In 1848, an attempt was made to unite different regions of the German Confederation into a nation-state governed by an elected parliament. However, this liberal initiative was repressed by the combined forces of the monarchy and the military, who were supported by the large landowners of Prussia. Thereafter, Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for national unification. Its Chief Minister, Otto von Bismarck with the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy in the process. Three wars over seven years with Austria, Denmark and France ended in Prussian victory and completed the process of unification. In January I 871, the Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed as the German emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles.


• Unification of Italy by a princely house: In the middle of the 19th century, Italy was divided into seven states. Of these, only Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled by an Italian princely house. The north was under the Austrian-Habsburg Empire, the center was ruled by the Pope while the southern regions were dominated by the Bourbon kings of France. Also, the Italian language had many regional and

local variations. In the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini sought to formulate a coherent programme for a unitary Italian republic and also had established a secret society called Young Italy for the fulfillment of his goals. The revolutionary uprisings in 1831 and 1848 largely failed. Thus, the responsibility of uniting Italian states was now on King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia-Piedmont. The Chief Minister of Italy, Cavour, led the movement to unify the regions of Italy. He was able to conclude a diplomatic alliance with France. Also, Sardinia-Piedmont succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859. Apart from regular troops, a large number of armed volunteers, under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi, also joined the movement. In 1860, these troops marched into south Italy and the kingdom of Two Sicilies. These areas were liberated and later joined with Sardinia. In 1870, Rome was vacated by France and it became a part of Sardinia. Finally, Italy was unified in 1871.


4. How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe?




The history of nationalism in Britain is unlike the rest of Europe because:

→ In Britain, the formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution.

→ The primary identities of the people who inhabited the British Isles were ethnic ones - such as English, Welsh, Scot or Irish.

→ The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' which meant that England was able to impose its influence on Scotland. Scotland's distinctive culture and political institutions were systematically suppressed.

→ The Scottish highlanders were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their national dress and large numbers were forcibly driven out of their homeland.

→ The English helped the Protestants of Ireland to establish their dominance over a largely Catholic country. Catholic revolts against British dominance were suppressed. Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801.

→ The symbols of the new Britain - the British flag, the national anthem, the English language were actively promoted and the older nations survived only as subordinate partners in this union.


5. Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans?




The Balkans was a region of ethnic and geographical variations. It consisted of modern-day Albania, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Montenegro. A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire. The nationalist tensions emerged in the Balkans due to the spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans together with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. The Balkan peoples based their claims for independence or political rights on nationality and used history to prove that they had once been independent. The rebellious nationalities in the Balkans thought of their struggles as attempts to win back their long-lost independence. The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense of the others.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe MCQ:

Question :  Who was the king of France at the time of the French Revolution?

  • a) Louis XVI

  • b) Czar Nicolas

  • c) Marie Antoniate

  • d) Edward II

Answer :  Louis XVI


Question :  In which century nationalism emerged in Europe

  • a) 19th century

  • b) 20th century

  • c) 17th century

  • d) 16th century

Answer :  19th century


Question :  Which one was not included in the Balkan Region?

  • a) Spain

  • b) Serbia

  • c) Bosnia Herzegovina

  • d) Croatia

Answer :  Spain


Question :  Who said that Italy was merely a geographical expression?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) Napoleon

  • c) Cavour

  • d) Guizot

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into existence in the year -

  • a) 1707

  • b) 1789

  • c) 1798

  • d) 1801

Answer :  1707


Question :  Who followed the policy of Blood and Iron for national unification?

  • a) Otto Von Bismark

  • b) Garibaldi

  • c) Metternich

  • d) Mazzini

Answer :  Otto Von Bismarck


Question :  Zollverein was a

  • a) Custom union

  • b) Diplomatic institution

  • c) Trade union

  • d) Administrative union

Answer :  Custom union


Question :  Who said Cavour, Mazzini, and Garibaldi: three her brain, her soul, her sword?

  • a) George Meredith

  • b) Louis XVIII

  • c) Victor Emmannual

  • d) Guizot

Answer :  George Meredith


Question :  Name the state which led the process of Italian unification?

  • a) Sardinia Piedmont

  • b) Rome

  • c) Prussia

  • d) Vienna

Answer :  Sardinia Piedmont


Question :  Which year was known as the year of dear bread?

  • a) 1848

  • b) 1789

  • c) 1830

  • d) 1815

Answer :  1848


Question :  The Vienna Congress was convened in 1815 for what purpose?

  • a) To restore conservative regime in Europe.

  • b) To declare completion of German Unification.

  • c) To declare war against France.

  • d) To start the process of Italian unification.

Answer :  To restore conservative regime in Europe.


Question :  Who was Frederick Sorrieu?

  • a) French Artist

  • b) King of Frame

  • c) Chancellor of Austria

  • d) A RevolutionaryFrench Artist

Answer :   

Question :  Who founded the revolutionary militia Red Shirt?

  • a) Garibaldi

  • b) Wilson

  • c) Tsar Alexander II

  • d) Metternich

Answer :  Garibaldi


Question :  What was Helairia Philike?

  • a) A Secret Society

  • b) A Political Party

  • c) An Allegory

  • d) A custom Union

Answer :  A Secret Society


Question :  Napoleonic Code was introduced in the year of

  • a) 1804

  • b) 1805

  • c) 1807

  • d) 1809

Answer :  1804


Question :  Who followed the policy of Golden Mean?

  • a) Louis Philippe

  • b) Mazzini

  • c) Metternich

  • d) Duke of Orleans

Answer :  Louis Philippe

Question :  After the Vienna Congress, a number of Polish priests were sent to Siberia by the Russian authorities for

  • a) Not preaching in Russian language

  • b) Bringing religious reform in Siberia

  • c) Opposing constitutional reforms

  • d) Holding secret meetings

Answer :  Not preaching in Russian language


Question :  The convention parliament of England decided the following after the Glorious Revolution

  • a) All the options

  • b) James's daughter Marry II and her husband William III would jointly rule the country

  • c) The Monarch would be a subject to a parliament

  • d) That the parliament would set out the Bill of Rights

Answer :  All the options


Question :  Civil code of 1804, enforced throughout the French territories

  • a) All the options

  • b) Secured right to property

  • c) Established equality before law

  • d) Abolished privileges based on birth

Answer :  All the options


Question :  The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe, after 1871, was an area called:

  • a) Balkans

  • b) Prussia

  • c) Ottoman

  • d) Macedonia

Answer :  Balkans


Question :  What is an allegory?

  • a) Abstract idea

  • b) Idealistic state

  • c) Art form

  • d) Song

Answer :  Abstract idea


Question :  What were the contributions of the Grimm Brothers in nation-building?

  • a) Fairy Tales

  • b) Folk dances

  • c) Operas

  • d) Music

Answer :  Fairy Tales


Question :  What was the famous expedition carried out by Giuseppe Garibaldi called?

  • a) Expedition of the Thousand to South Italy

  • b) Young Italy in Marseilles

  • c) Young Europe in Berne

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Expedition of the Thousand to South Italy


Question :  Name the act which resulted in the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

  • a) The Act of Union, 1707

  • b) Tax Reform Act, 1784

  • c) Commutation Act, 1784

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  The Act of Union, 1707


Question :  Who was proclaimed the King of United Italy, in 1861?

  • a) Victor Emmanuel II

  • b) Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • c) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • d) Cavour

Answer :  Victor Emmanuel II


Question :  What was Young Italy?

  • a) Secret society

  • b) Vision of Italy

  • c) National anthem of Italy

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Secret society


Question :  Who were the Junkers?

  • a) Large landowners

  • b) Soldiers

  • c) Aristocracy

  • d) Weavers

Answer :  Large landowners


Question :  Women were admitted in the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul, but only as:

  • a) Observers

  • b) Guards

  • c) Waitresses

  • d) Opposition

Answer :  Observers


Question :  What did weavers in Silesia, in 1845, revolt against?

  • a) Contractors who didn't pay them enough

  • b) Insufficient supply of raw material

  • c) Bad quality raw material

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Contractors who didn't pay them enough


Question :  What was the result of Polish being used as the medium of instruction for preaching in all Church gatherings, in the late eighteenth century?

  • a) Priests and bishops were jailed

  • b) Followers were tortured

  • c) Preachers were forced to preach in Russian

  • d) Followers were sent to Siberia

Answer :  Priests and bishops were jailed


Question :  How did Karol Kurpinski celebrate the national struggle?

  • a) Operas

  • b) Plays

  • c) Books

  • d) Poetry

Answer :  Operas


Question : Who was Frederic sorrieu?

  • a) A Philosopher

  • b) A Painter

  • c) A Politician

  • d) A Revolutionaries

Answer : A Painter

Question : Which of the following is true with reference to Romanticism?

  • a) Concept of government by consent

  • b) Freedom for the individual

  • c) Cultural movement

  • d) Freedom of markets

Answer : Cultural movement

Question : What was the basic philosophy of the conservatives?

  • a) They opposed monarchical forms.

  • b) They were the supporters of democracy

  • c) They wanted to glorify folk art and vernacular language.

  • d) They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.

Answer : They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.

Question : Who was count Cavour?

  • a) The chief Minister of Italy

  • b) Revolutionary of Germany

  • c) A catholic missionary

  • d) he chancellor of Germany

Answer : The chief Minister of Italy

Question : Which of the following states led to the unification of Germany?

  • a) Bavaria

  • b) Prussia

  • c) Rhineland

  • d) Hanover

Answer : Prussia

Question : Who hosted the congress of Vienna in 1815

  • a) Cavour

  • b) King victor Emmanuel

  • c) Bismarck

  • d) Duke Metternich

Answer : Duke Metternich

Question : What was the main objective of the treaty of Vienna of 1815?

  • a) To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.

  • b) To plan the unification of Germany

  • c) To restore the democracy in Europe

  • d) To overthrow the Bourbon dynasty

Answer : To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.

Question : Which of the following treaties recognized Greece as an independent nation?

  • a) Treaty of Versailles

  • b) Treaty of Constantinople

  • c) Treaty of Frankfurt

  • d) Treaty of Vienna

Answer : Treaty of Constantinople

Question : At which of the following places was the Frankfurt assembly convened ?

  • a) At the palace of Prussia

  • b) At the half of Mirrors in the palace of Versailles.

  • c) At the church of st peters

  • d) At the church of St panli

Answer : At the church of St panli


Question :  What marked Greece as an independent nation?

  • a) Treaty of Constantinople, 1832

  • b) Treaty of Vienna, 1815

  • c) Treaty of Versailles, 1871

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Treaty of Constantinople, 1832


Question :  Who said, When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) T S Eliot

  • c) Lord Byron

  • d) Giuseppe

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  Name the Italian revolutionary from Genoa.

  • a) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • b) Johann Gottfried

  • c) Metternich

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Giuseppe Mazzini


Question :  What major issue was criticized against by the liberal nationalists?

  • a) Censorship laws to control the press

  • b) Preservation of the Church

  • c) A modern army

  • d) Efficient bureaucracy

Answer :  Censorship laws to control the press


Question :  When were the Conservatives Regimes set up?

  • a) 1815

  • b) 1820

  • c) 1830

  • d) 1832

Answer :  1815


Question :  Why was the kingdom of Netherlands, which included Belgium, set up in the North?

  • a) To prevent French expansion

  • b) To curb government activities

  • c) To control censorship laws

  • d) Both To control censorship laws and To curb government activities

Answer :  To prevent French expansion


Question :  Why was the Treaty of Vienna drawn up in 1815?

  • a) To restore the monarchies

  • b) To abolish tariff barriers

  • c) To divide the German Confederation of 39 states

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  To restore the monarchies


Question :  What led to the abolishing of the tariff barriers in the German-speaking regions of Europe and the reduction of currencies?

  • a) Formation of the Customs Union

  • b) Abolition of feudalism

  • c) Formation of traditional institutions

  • d) State power

Answer :  Formation of the Customs Union


Question :  What was viewed as an obstacle to economic change and growth by new commercial classes?

  • a) Customs duties

  • b) Limited suffrage

  • c) Absence of railways

  • d) Reduced status of women

Answer :  Customs duties


Question :  A merchant traveling from Hamburg to Nuremberg, in the first half of the nineteenth century, had to pass through how many customs barriers to sell his goods?

  • a) 11

  • b) 9

  • c) 10

  • d) 20

Answer :  11


Question :  What territories did the Habsburg Empire rule over?

  • a) Both Austria and Hungary

  • b) Hungary

  • c) Austria

  • d) Romania

Answer :  Both Austria and Hungary


Question :  When did Napoleon invade Italy?

  • a) 1797

  • b) 1905

  • c) 1795

  • d) 1821

Answer :  1797


Question :  What seemed to outweigh the advantages of the administrative changes in Europe?

  • a) Forced conscription into French armies

  • b) Increased prices

  • c) Laws that were not uniform

  • d) Movement and exchange of goods

Answer :  Forced conscription into French armies


Question :  What did the Napoleonic Code of 1804 spell out?

  • a) All the options

  • b) Wiping out privileges by birth

  • c) Right to property

  • d) Equality before law

Answer :  All the options


Question :  In revolutionary France, who were granted exclusive rights to vote?

  • a) Property-owning men

  • b) All women

  • c) Property-owning women

  • d) All men

Answer :  Property-owning men

Question : The word das volk refers to

a) common people of France 

b) common people of Italy

c) common people of Germany 

d) common people of Russia



Question : Giuseppe Mazzini was described as ‘the most dangerous enemy of our social order’ by

a) Metternich 

b) Giuseppe Garibaldi

c) William I 

d) Hitler


Question : The theory that tries to make awareness of women’s rights and interests based on the belief of the social, economic and political equality of the genders is known as

a) Humanism 

b) Feminism

c) Postmodernism 

d) Culturalism


Question : The civil code of 1804 was usually known as

a) The Bismarck Code. 

b) The Napoleonic Code.

c) The National Code. 

d) The Social Code.

Question : la patrie, one of the ideas used during the French Revolution to emphasize the notion of a united community, means

a) Holy land 

b) Fatherland

c) Motherland 

d) United land


Question : ‘When France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold.’ was observed by

a) Duke Metternich 

b) Napoleon

c) Otto von Bismarck 

d) William I


Question : A nation is described as a community of people who believe that they have a common

a) homeland 

b) birthplace

c) History 

d) common area


Question : In Ireland a revolt by Catholic Irishmen in the year 1798 was led by

a) Milton Booth 

b) Wolfe Tone

c) McGregor

d) Potemkin


Question : The first clear expression of nationalism came with

a) The American Revolution

b) The French Revolution.

c) The Russian Revolution 

d) The Chinese Revolution


Question : To further their imperialist aims, European powers manipulated the

a) nationalist aspiration of subjects. 

b) resources of colonies.

c) political power. 

d) economic power.

Question :  Among the following which section was not included in the European middle class?

  • a) Nobles

  • b) Businessmen

  • c) Industrialists

  • d) Professionals

Answer :  Nobles


Question :  Who among the following was proclaimed the first king of united Italy?

  • a) Victor Emmanuel II

  • b) King George II

  • c) Kaiser William I

  • d) Nicholas II

Answer :  Victor Emmanuel II


Question :  Who said that when France sneezes the rest of Europe catches a cold?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) Cavour

  • c) Victor Emmanuel II

  • d) Bismarck

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  At which of the following places was the Frankfurt assembly convened?

  • a) At the church of St. Paul

  • b) At the church of St. Peters

  • c) At the hall of Mirrors in the palace of Versailles.

  • d) At the palace of Prussia

Answer :  At the church of St. Paul


Question :  which of the following treaties recognized Greece as an independent nation?

  • a) Treaty of Constantinople

  • b) Treaty of Versailles

  • c) Treaty of Vienna

  • d) Treaty of Frankfurt

Answer :  Treaty of Constantinople


Question :  What was the main objective of the treaty of Vienna of 1815?

  • a) To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.

  • b) To plan the unification of Germany

  • c) To restore democracy in Europe.

  • d) To overthrow the Bourbon dynasty

Answer :  To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.


Question :  Who hosted the congress of Vienna in 1815?

  • a) Duke Metternich

  • b) Bismarck

  • c) King Victor Emmanuel

  • d) Cavour

Answer :  Duke Metternich


Question :  Which of the following states led to the unification of Germany?

  • a) Prussia

  • b) Bavaria

  • c) Rhineland

  • d) Hanover

Answer :  Prussia


Question :  Who was count Cavour?

  • a) The chief Minister of Italy

  • b) Revolutionary of Germany

  • c) A catholic missionary

  • d) The chancellor of Germany

Answer :  The chief Minister of Italy


Question :  What was the basic philosophy of the conservatives?

  • a) They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.

  • b) They wanted to glorify folk art and vernacular language

  • c) They were the supporters of democracy

  • d) They opposed monarchical forms.

Answer :  They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.


Question :  Which of the following is true with reference to Romanticism?

  • a) Cultural movement

  • b) Freedom for the individual

  • c) Concept of government by consent

  • d) Freedom of markets

Answer :  Cultural movement


Question :  Who was Frederic Sorrieu?

  • a) A Painter

  • b) A Philosopher

  • c) A Revolutionary

  • d) A Politician

Answer :  A Painter


Question :  What do the saints, angels and Christ symbolize in the Utopian vision?

  • a) Fraternity among nations

  • b) Equality among people

  • c) Freedom of nations

  • d) Resentment against nations

Answer :  Fraternity among nations


Question :  When and who prepared a series of four prints visualizing a world made up of democratic and social Republics?

  • a) 1848, Frederic Sorrieu

  • b) 1804, Napoleon

  • c) 1815, Duke Metternich

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  1848, Frederic Sorrieu


Question :  The term absolutist is referred to:

  • a) Monarchical government

  • b) Abstract theory

  • c) None of the options

  • d) A vision

Answer :  Monarchical government


Question :  Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in

  • a) 1801

  • b) 1717

  • c) 1866

  • d) 1896

Answer :  1801


Question :  United Kingdom of Great Britain came into existence in 1770 after

  • a) Scotland was merged into England

  • b) Ireland was merged into England

  • c) The Welch population was given voting rights

  • d) The Union Jack was introduced

Answer :  Scotland was merged into England


Question :  The convention parliament of England decided the following after the Glorious Revolution

  • a) All the options

  • b) James's daughter Marry II and her husband William III would jointly rule the country

  • c) The Monarch would be a subject to a parliament

  • d) That the parliament would set out the Bill of Rights

Answer :  All the options


Question :  Who was the king of England during the Glorious Revolution?

  • a) James II

  • b) William IV

  • c) Charles I

  • d) Henry III

Answer :  James II


Question :  Which among the following is known as the Glorious Revolution in the history of Europe?

  • a) The British Revolution of 1688

  • b) The unification of Germany in 1871

  • c) The unification of Italy in 1860

  • d) The Greek struggle for independence, 1821

Answer :  The British Revolution of 1688


Question :  Who led the Italian army against the Spanish rulers of the kingdom of two Sicillies in 1960?

  • a) Garibaldi

  • b) Cavour

  • c) Bismarck

  • d) Mazzini

Answer :  Garibaldi


Question :  Who succeeded in gathering French support for Italy for defeating Austria in 1859?

  • a) Count Cavour

  • b) Victor Emmanuel II

  • c) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • d) Giuseppe Garibaldi

Answer :  Count Cavour


Question :  Who formed Young Italy for unification of his country?

  • a) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • b) Count Cavour

  • c) Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • d) Victor Emmanuel

Answer :  Giuseppe Mazzini


Question :  The unification of Germany took place in 1871 under the leadership of

  • a) Kaiser William I and his chief minister Otto von Bismarck

  • b) Monarch Wilhelm IV and his chief minister Garibaldi

  • c) Bismarck and Garibaldi

  • d) Mazzini and Garibaldi

Answer :  Kaiser William I and his chief minister Otto von Bismarck


Question :  During the Frankfurt Parliament held in St. Paul church on 18 May 1848, women were allowed to

  • a) Stand in the visitors gallery

  • b) Participate in drafting constitution

  • c) Vote

  • d) They were not allowed to enter the premises

Answer :  Stand in the visitors gallery


Question :  Freidrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia rejected the terms of the Frankfurt Parliament because

  • a) The constitution made by the parliament wanted the monarch to become a subject to a parliament

  • b) The parliament did not have the support of the aristocracy and military heads

  • c) The members of the parliament were not elected representatives of German people

  • d) The parliament did not have women representatives

Answer :  The constitution made by the parliament wanted the monarch to become a subject to a parliament


Question :  Paris witnessed an upheaval in 1848 which forced monarch Louis Philippe to leave the city. The unrest was caused by

  • a) Tax rise

  • b) Food shortage and unemployment

  • c) Industrial crisis

  • d) Drain of wealth

Answer :  Tax rise


Question :  After the Vienna Congress, a number of Polish priests were sent to Siberia by the Russian authorities for

  • a) Not preaching in Russian language

  • b) Bringing religious reform in Siberia

  • c) Opposing constitutional reforms

  • d) Holding secret meetings

Answer :  Not preaching in Russian language


Question :  After Napoleon's defeat, the territories of Poland were distributed among

  • a) Russia, Prussia and Austria

  • b) Austria, England and Prussia

  • c) France, England and Prussia

  • d) England, Prussia and Russia

Answer :  Russia, Prussia and Austria


Question :  Johan Gottfried, a German philosopher, believed that the true German culture was to be discovered

  • a) Among the common people

  • b) In classical German literature

  • c) In fairy tales

  • d) In Indian literature

Answer :  Among the common people


Question :  After the defeat of Napoleon, which dynasty was restored in France?

  • a) Bourbon

  • b) Ottoman

  • c) None of the options

  • d) Hapsburg

Answer :  Bourbon


Question :  After the defeat of Napoleon a congress was held in Vienna in which Russia, Britain, Prussia and Austria participated. Who hosted this meet?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) Bismarck

  • c) Garibaldi

  • d) Mazzini

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  The European powers that defeated Napoleon included

  • a) Both Britain and Russia and Prussia and Austria

  • b) France and Netherlands

  • c) Prussia and Austria

  • d) Britain and Russia

Answer :  Both Britain and Russia and Prussia and Austria


Question :  The conservatives were of the opinion that

  • a) Monarchy and churches should be preserved

  • b) Pre-revolution administration should be re-established

  • c) Feudalism should be restored

  • d) Monarchies were dangerous for nation-state

Answer :  Monarchy and churches should be preserved


Question :  Which of the following statements about economic nationalism are true?

  • a) It was supported by the middle class

  • b) It was promoted by liberal nationalists

  • c) It was supported by Napoleon

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  It was supported by the middle class


Question :  Zollverein, formed by Prussia and joined by many of the German states was a

  • a) Custom union

  • b) German police

  • c) German army

  • d) Trade union

Answer :  Custom union


Question :  Which of the following was not a demand of the liberals?

  • a) Universal suffrage

  • b) Representative Government

  • c) Inviolability of private property

  • d) Freedom of Markets

Answer :  Universal suffrage


Question :  Liberal nationalism, which dominated Europe in the early nineteenth century supported

  • a) All the options

  • b) Demand for constitution

  • c) Personal freedom

  • d) Abolishing privileges of aristocracy and clergy

Answer :  All the options


Question :  During the Eighteenth century which language was spoken by the aristocrats in Europe?

  • a) French

  • b) Greek

  • c) English

  • d) Dutch

Answer :  French


Question :  Which of the following were parts of the Hapsburg Empire?

  • a) Croatia, Sardinia, Greece, Poland, Austria-Hungary

  • b) Sudetenland, Austria-Hungary, Lombardy, Venetia

  • c) Galicia, Carniola, Bohemia, Lombardy, Venetia

  • d) Austria-Hungary, Bohemia, Lombardy, Venetia

Answer :  Croatia, Sardinia, Greece, Poland, Austria-Hungary


Question :  Napoleon's invasions were presented in several countries due to

  • a) Increased taxes, censorship and forced conscription into army

  • b) Dominance of aristocracy and army in administration

  • c) Poor administration, restricted trade, language issues

  • d) Growth of the feeling of nationalism

Answer :  Increased taxes, censorship and forced conscription into army


Question :  Civil code of 1804, enforced throughout the French territories

  • a) All the options

  • b) Secured right to property

  • c) Established equality before law

  • d) Abolished privileges based on birth

Answer :  All the options


Question :  On the pretext of helping the people of Europe to become nations, France plundered neighboring territories. Which of the following faced French aggression during 1790?

  • a) Holland, Switzerland, Brussels, Mainz, Milan and Warsaw

  • b) Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Prussia, Macedonia, Croatia

  • c) Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Poland, Prussia, Austria

  • d) Switzerland, Poland, Macedonia, Croatia, Sardinia

Answer :  Holland, Switzerland, Brussels, Mainz, Milan and Warsaw


Question :  Which of the following were not introduced by the French revolution?

  • a) Democracy and universal Suffrage

  • b) Universal right of a man

  • c) Participative administration and election

  • d) Constitution and equality before law

Answer :  Democracy and universal Suffrage


Question :  Which one of the following was not a part of the concept of nation-state?

  • a) Freedom from monarchy

  • b) Sovereignty

  • c) National identity based on culture and history

  • d) Clearly defined boundary

Answer :  Freedom from monarchy

Question :  Who was the king of France at the time of the French Revolution?

  • a) Louis XVI

  • b) Czar Nicolas

  • c) Marie Antoniate

  • d) Edward II

Answer :  Louis XVI


Question :  In which century nationalism emerged in Europe

  • a) 19th century

  • b) 20th century

  • c) 17th century

  • d) 16th century

Answer :  19th century


Question :  Which one was not included in the Balkan Region?

  • a) Spain

  • b) Serbia

  • c) Bosnia Herzegovina

  • d) Croatia

Answer :  Spain


Question :  Who said that Italy was merely a geographical expression?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) Napoleon

  • c) Cavour

  • d) Guizot

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into existence in the year -

  • a) 1707

  • b) 1789

  • c) 1798

  • d) 1801

Answer :  1707


Question :  Who followed the policy of Blood and Iron for national unification?

  • a) Otto Von Bismark

  • b) Garibaldi

  • c) Metternich

  • d) Mazzini

Answer :  Otto Von Bismarck


Question :  Zollverein was a

  • a) Custom union

  • b) Diplomatic institution

  • c) Trade union

  • d) Administrative union

Answer :  Custom union


Question :  Who said Cavour, Mazzini, and Garibaldi: three her brain, her soul, her sword?

  • a) George Meredith

  • b) Louis XVIII

  • c) Victor Emmannual

  • d) Guizot

Answer :  George Meredith


Question :  Name the state which led the process of Italian unification?

  • a) Sardinia Piedmont

  • b) Rome

  • c) Prussia

  • d) Vienna

Answer :  Sardinia Piedmont


Question :  Which year was known as the year of dear bread?

  • a) 1848

  • b) 1789

  • c) 1830

  • d) 1815

Answer :  1848


Question :  The Vienna Congress was convened in 1815 for what purpose?

  • a) To restore conservative regime in Europe.

  • b) To declare completion of German Unification.

  • c) To declare war against France.

  • d) To start the process of Italian unification.

Answer :  To restore conservative regime in Europe.


Question :  Who was Frederick Sorrieu?

  • a) French Artist

  • b) King of Frame

  • c) Chancellor of Austria

  • d) A Revolutionary

Answer :  French Artist


Question :  Who founded the revolutionary militia Red Shirt?

  • a) Garibaldi

  • b) Wilson

  • c) Tsar Alexander II

  • d) Metternich

Answer :  Garibaldi


Question :  What was Helairia Philike?

  • a) A Secret Society

  • b) A Political Party

  • c) An Allegory

  • d) A custom Union

Answer :  A Secret Society


Question :  Napoleonic Code was introduced in the year of

  • a) 1804

  • b) 1805

  • c) 1807

  • d) 1809

Answer :  1804


Question :  Who followed the policy of Golden Mean?

  • a) Louis Philippe

  • b) Mazzini

  • c) Metternich

  • d) Duke of Orleans

Answer :  Louis Philippe

Question :  After the Vienna Congress, a number of Polish priests were sent to Siberia by the Russian authorities for

  • a) Not preaching in Russian language

  • b) Bringing religious reform in Siberia

  • c) Opposing constitutional reforms

  • d) Holding secret meetings

Answer :  Not preaching in Russian language


Question :  The convention parliament of England decided the following after the Glorious Revolution

  • a) All the options

  • b) James's daughter Marry II and her husband William III would jointly rule the country

  • c) The Monarch would be a subject to a parliament

  • d) That the parliament would set out the Bill of Rights

Answer :  All the options


Question :  Civil code of 1804, enforced throughout the French territories

  • a) All the options

  • b) Secured right to property

  • c) Established equality before law

  • d) Abolished privileges based on birth

Answer :  All the options


Question :  The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe, after 1871, was an area called:

  • a) Balkans

  • b) Prussia

  • c) Ottoman

  • d) Macedonia

Answer :  Balkans


Question :  What is an allegory?

  • a) Abstract idea

  • b) Idealistic state

  • c) Art form

  • d) Song

Answer :  Abstract idea


Question :  What were the contributions of the Grimm Brothers in nation-building?

  • a) Fairy Tales

  • b) Folk dances

  • c) Operas

  • d) Music

Answer :  Fairy Tales


Question :  What was the famous expedition carried out by Giuseppe Garibaldi called?

  • a) Expedition of the Thousand to South Italy

  • b) Young Italy in Marseilles

  • c) Young Europe in Berne

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Expedition of the Thousand to South Italy


Question :  Name the act which resulted in the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

  • a) The Act of Union, 1707

  • b) Tax Reform Act, 1784

  • c) Commutation Act, 1784

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  The Act of Union, 1707


Question :  Who was proclaimed the King of United Italy, in 1861?

  • a) Victor Emmanuel II

  • b) Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • c) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • d) Cavour

Answer :  Victor Emmanuel II


Question :  What was Young Italy?

  • a) Secret society

  • b) Vision of Italy

  • c) National anthem of Italy

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Secret society


Question :  Who were the Junkers?

  • a) Large landowners

  • b) Soldiers

  • c) Aristocracy

  • d) Weavers

Answer :  Large landowners


Question :  Women were admitted in the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul, but only as:

  • a) Observers

  • b) Guards

  • c) Waitresses

  • d) Opposition

Answer :  Observers


Question :  What did weavers in Silesia, in 1845, revolt against?

  • a) Contractors who didn't pay them enough

  • b) Insufficient supply of raw material

  • c) Bad quality raw material

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Contractors who didn't pay them enough


Question :  What was the result of Polish being used as the medium of instruction for preaching in all Church gatherings, in the late eighteenth century?

  • a) Priests and bishops were jailed

  • b) Followers were tortured

  • c) Preachers were forced to preach in Russian

  • d) Followers were sent to Siberia

Answer :  Priests and bishops were jailed


Question :  How did Karol Kurpinski celebrate the national struggle?

  • a) Operas

  • b) Plays

  • c) Books

  • d) Poetry

Answer :  Operas


Question : Who was Frederic sorrieu?

  • a) A Philosopher

  • b) A Painter

  • c) A Politician

  • d) A Revolutionaries

Answer : A Painter

Question : Which of the following is true with reference to Romanticism?

  • a) Concept of government by consent

  • b) Freedom for the individual

  • c) Cultural movement

  • d) Freedom of markets

Answer : Cultural movement

Question : What was the basic philosophy of the conservatives?

  • a) They opposed monarchical forms.

  • b) They were the supporters of democracy

  • c) They wanted to glorify folk art and vernacular language.

  • d) They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.

Answer : They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.

Question : Who was count Cavour?

  • a) The chief Minister of Italy

  • b) Revolutionary of Germany

  • c) A catholic missionary

  • d) he chancellor of Germany

Answer : The chief Minister of Italy

Question : Which of the following states led to the unification of Germany?

  • a) Bavaria

  • b) Prussia

  • c) Rhineland

  • d) Hanover

Answer : Prussia

Question : Who hosted the congress of Vienna in 1815

  • a) Cavour

  • b) King victor Emmanuel

  • c) Bismarck

  • d) Duke Metternich

Answer : Duke Metternich

Question : What was the main objective of the treaty of Vienna of 1815?

  • a) To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.

  • b) To plan the unification of Germany

  • c) To restore the democracy in Europe

  • d) To overthrow the Bourbon dynasty

Answer : To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.

Question : Which of the following treaties recognized Greece as an independent nation?

  • a) Treaty of Versailles

  • b) Treaty of Constantinople

  • c) Treaty of Frankfurt

  • d) Treaty of Vienna

Answer : Treaty of Constantinople

Question : At which of the following places was the Frankfurt assembly convened ?

  • a) At the palace of Prussia

  • b) At the half of Mirrors in the palace of Versailles.

  • c) At the church of st peters

  • d) At the church of St panli

Answer : At the church of St panli


Question :  What marked Greece as an independent nation?

  • a) Treaty of Constantinople, 1832

  • b) Treaty of Vienna, 1815

  • c) Treaty of Versailles, 1871

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Treaty of Constantinople, 1832


Question :  Who said, When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) T S Eliot

  • c) Lord Byron

  • d) Giuseppe

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  Name the Italian revolutionary from Genoa.

  • a) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • b) Johann Gottfried

  • c) Metternich

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  Giuseppe Mazzini


Question :  What major issue was criticized against by the liberal nationalists?

  • a) Censorship laws to control the press

  • b) Preservation of the Church

  • c) A modern army

  • d) Efficient bureaucracy

Answer :  Censorship laws to control the press


Question :  When were the Conservatives Regimes set up?

  • a) 1815

  • b) 1820

  • c) 1830

  • d) 1832

Answer :  1815


Question :  Why was the kingdom of Netherlands, which included Belgium, set up in the North?

  • a) To prevent French expansion

  • b) To curb government activities

  • c) To control censorship laws

  • d) Both To control censorship laws and To curb government activities

Answer :  To prevent French expansion


Question :  Why was the Treaty of Vienna drawn up in 1815?

  • a) To restore the monarchies

  • b) To abolish tariff barriers

  • c) To divide the German Confederation of 39 states

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  To restore the monarchies


Question :  What led to the abolishing of the tariff barriers in the German-speaking regions of Europe and the reduction of currencies?

  • a) Formation of the Customs Union

  • b) Abolition of feudalism

  • c) Formation of traditional institutions

  • d) State power

Answer :  Formation of the Customs Union


Question :  What was viewed as an obstacle to economic change and growth by new commercial classes?

  • a) Customs duties

  • b) Limited suffrage

  • c) Absence of railways

  • d) Reduced status of women

Answer :  Customs duties


Question :  A merchant traveling from Hamburg to Nuremberg, in the first half of the nineteenth century, had to pass through how many customs barriers to sell his goods?

  • a) 11

  • b) 9

  • c) 10

  • d) 20

Answer :  11


Question :  What territories did the Habsburg Empire rule over?

  • a) Both Austria and Hungary

  • b) Hungary

  • c) Austria

  • d) Romania

Answer :  Both Austria and Hungary


Question :  When did Napoleon invade Italy?

  • a) 1797

  • b) 1905

  • c) 1795

  • d) 1821

Answer :  1797


Question :  What seemed to outweigh the advantages of the administrative changes in Europe?

  • a) Forced conscription into French armies

  • b) Increased prices

  • c) Laws that were not uniform

  • d) Movement and exchange of goods

Answer :  Forced conscription into French armies


Question :  What did the Napoleonic Code of 1804 spell out?

  • a) All the options

  • b) Wiping out privileges by birth

  • c) Right to property

  • d) Equality before law

Answer :  All the options


Question :  In revolutionary France, who were granted exclusive rights to vote?

  • a) Property-owning men

  • b) All women

  • c) Property-owning women

  • d) All men

Answer :  Property-owning men

Question : The word das volk refers to

a) common people of France 

b) common people of Italy

c) common people of Germany 

d) common people of Russia



Question : Giuseppe Mazzini was described as ‘the most dangerous enemy of our social order’ by

a) Metternich 

b) Giuseppe Garibaldi

c) William I 

d) Hitler


Question : The theory that tries to make awareness of women’s rights and interests based on the belief of the social, economic and political equality of the genders is known as

a) Humanism 

b) Feminism

c) Postmodernism 

d) Culturalism


Question : The civil code of 1804 was usually known as

a) The Bismarck Code. 

b) The Napoleonic Code.

c) The National Code. 

d) The Social Code.

Question : la patrie, one of the ideas used during the French Revolution to emphasize the notion of a united community, means

a) Holy land 

b) Fatherland

c) Motherland 

d) United land


Question : ‘When France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold.’ was observed by

a) Duke Metternich 

b) Napoleon

c) Otto von Bismarck 

d) William I


Question : A nation is described as a community of people who believe that they have a common

a) homeland 

b) birthplace

c) History 

d) common area


Question : In Ireland a revolt by Catholic Irishmen in the year 1798 was led by

a) Milton Booth 

b) Wolfe Tone

c) McGregor

d) Potemkin


Question : The first clear expression of nationalism came with

a) The American Revolution

b) The French Revolution.

c) The Russian Revolution 

d) The Chinese Revolution


Question : To further their imperialist aims, European powers manipulated the

a) nationalist aspiration of subjects. 

b) resources of colonies.

c) political power. 

d) economic power.

Question :  Among the following which section was not included in the European middle class?

  • a) Nobles

  • b) Businessmen

  • c) Industrialists

  • d) Professionals

Answer :  Nobles


Question :  Who among the following was proclaimed the first king of united Italy?

  • a) Victor Emmanuel II

  • b) King George II

  • c) Kaiser William I

  • d) Nicholas II

Answer :  Victor Emmanuel II


Question :  Who said that when France sneezes the rest of Europe catches a cold?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) Cavour

  • c) Victor Emmanuel II

  • d) Bismarck

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  At which of the following places was the Frankfurt assembly convened?

  • a) At the church of St. Paul

  • b) At the church of St. Peters

  • c) At the hall of Mirrors in the palace of Versailles.

  • d) At the palace of Prussia

Answer :  At the church of St. Paul


Question :  which of the following treaties recognized Greece as an independent nation?

  • a) Treaty of Constantinople

  • b) Treaty of Versailles

  • c) Treaty of Vienna

  • d) Treaty of Frankfurt

Answer :  Treaty of Constantinople


Question :  What was the main objective of the treaty of Vienna of 1815?

  • a) To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.

  • b) To plan the unification of Germany

  • c) To restore democracy in Europe.

  • d) To overthrow the Bourbon dynasty

Answer :  To undo the changes brought about in Europe during the Napoleonic war.


Question :  Who hosted the congress of Vienna in 1815?

  • a) Duke Metternich

  • b) Bismarck

  • c) King Victor Emmanuel

  • d) Cavour

Answer :  Duke Metternich


Question :  Which of the following states led to the unification of Germany?

  • a) Prussia

  • b) Bavaria

  • c) Rhineland

  • d) Hanover

Answer :  Prussia


Question :  Who was count Cavour?

  • a) The chief Minister of Italy

  • b) Revolutionary of Germany

  • c) A catholic missionary

  • d) The chancellor of Germany

Answer :  The chief Minister of Italy


Question :  What was the basic philosophy of the conservatives?

  • a) They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.

  • b) They wanted to glorify folk art and vernacular language

  • c) They were the supporters of democracy

  • d) They opposed monarchical forms.

Answer :  They stressed the importance of tradition and established institutions and customs.


Question :  Which of the following is true with reference to Romanticism?

  • a) Cultural movement

  • b) Freedom for the individual

  • c) Concept of government by consent

  • d) Freedom of markets

Answer :  Cultural movement


Question :  Who was Frederic Sorrieu?

  • a) A Painter

  • b) A Philosopher

  • c) A Revolutionary

  • d) A Politician

Answer :  A Painter


Question :  What do the saints, angels and Christ symbolize in the Utopian vision?

  • a) Fraternity among nations

  • b) Equality among people

  • c) Freedom of nations

  • d) Resentment against nations

Answer :  Fraternity among nations


Question :  When and who prepared a series of four prints visualizing a world made up of democratic and social Republics?

  • a) 1848, Frederic Sorrieu

  • b) 1804, Napoleon

  • c) 1815, Duke Metternich

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  1848, Frederic Sorrieu


Question :  The term absolutist is referred to:

  • a) Monarchical government

  • b) Abstract theory

  • c) None of the options

  • d) A vision

Answer :  Monarchical government


Question :  Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in

  • a) 1801

  • b) 1717

  • c) 1866

  • d) 1896

Answer :  1801


Question :  United Kingdom of Great Britain came into existence in 1770 after

  • a) Scotland was merged into England

  • b) Ireland was merged into England

  • c) The Welch population was given voting rights

  • d) The Union Jack was introduced

Answer :  Scotland was merged into England


Question :  The convention parliament of England decided the following after the Glorious Revolution

  • a) All the options

  • b) James's daughter Marry II and her husband William III would jointly rule the country

  • c) The Monarch would be a subject to a parliament

  • d) That the parliament would set out the Bill of Rights

Answer :  All the options


Question :  Who was the king of England during the Glorious Revolution?

  • a) James II

  • b) William IV

  • c) Charles I

  • d) Henry III

Answer :  James II


Question :  Which among the following is known as the Glorious Revolution in the history of Europe?

  • a) The British Revolution of 1688

  • b) The unification of Germany in 1871

  • c) The unification of Italy in 1860

  • d) The Greek struggle for independence, 1821

Answer :  The British Revolution of 1688


Question :  Who led the Italian army against the Spanish rulers of the kingdom of two Sicillies in 1960?

  • a) Garibaldi

  • b) Cavour

  • c) Bismarck

  • d) Mazzini

Answer :  Garibaldi


Question :  Who succeeded in gathering French support for Italy for defeating Austria in 1859?

  • a) Count Cavour

  • b) Victor Emmanuel II

  • c) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • d) Giuseppe Garibaldi

Answer :  Count Cavour


Question :  Who formed Young Italy for unification of his country?

  • a) Giuseppe Mazzini

  • b) Count Cavour

  • c) Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • d) Victor Emmanuel

Answer :  Giuseppe Mazzini


Question :  The unification of Germany took place in 1871 under the leadership of

  • a) Kaiser William I and his chief minister Otto von Bismarck

  • b) Monarch Wilhelm IV and his chief minister Garibaldi

  • c) Bismarck and Garibaldi

  • d) Mazzini and Garibaldi

Answer :  Kaiser William I and his chief minister Otto von Bismarck


Question :  During the Frankfurt Parliament held in St. Paul church on 18 May 1848, women were allowed to

  • a) Stand in the visitors gallery

  • b) Participate in drafting constitution

  • c) Vote

  • d) They were not allowed to enter the premises

Answer :  Stand in the visitors gallery


Question :  Freidrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia rejected the terms of the Frankfurt Parliament because

  • a) The constitution made by the parliament wanted the monarch to become a subject to a parliament

  • b) The parliament did not have the support of the aristocracy and military heads

  • c) The members of the parliament were not elected representatives of German people

  • d) The parliament did not have women representatives

Answer :  The constitution made by the parliament wanted the monarch to become a subject to a parliament


Question :  Paris witnessed an upheaval in 1848 which forced monarch Louis Philippe to leave the city. The unrest was caused by

  • a) Tax rise

  • b) Food shortage and unemployment

  • c) Industrial crisis

  • d) Drain of wealth

Answer :  Tax rise


Question :  After the Vienna Congress, a number of Polish priests were sent to Siberia by the Russian authorities for

  • a) Not preaching in Russian language

  • b) Bringing religious reform in Siberia

  • c) Opposing constitutional reforms

  • d) Holding secret meetings

Answer :  Not preaching in Russian language


Question :  After Napoleon's defeat, the territories of Poland were distributed among

  • a) Russia, Prussia and Austria

  • b) Austria, England and Prussia

  • c) France, England and Prussia

  • d) England, Prussia and Russia

Answer :  Russia, Prussia and Austria


Question :  Johan Gottfried, a German philosopher, believed that the true German culture was to be discovered

  • a) Among the common people

  • b) In classical German literature

  • c) In fairy tales

  • d) In Indian literature

Answer :  Among the common people


Question :  After the defeat of Napoleon, which dynasty was restored in France?

  • a) Bourbon

  • b) Ottoman

  • c) None of the options

  • d) Hapsburg

Answer :  Bourbon


Question :  After the defeat of Napoleon a congress was held in Vienna in which Russia, Britain, Prussia and Austria participated. Who hosted this meet?

  • a) Metternich

  • b) Bismarck

  • c) Garibaldi

  • d) Mazzini

Answer :  Metternich


Question :  The European powers that defeated Napoleon included

  • a) Both Britain and Russia and Prussia and Austria

  • b) France and Netherlands

  • c) Prussia and Austria

  • d) Britain and Russia

Answer :  Both Britain and Russia and Prussia and Austria


Question :  The conservatives were of the opinion that

  • a) Monarchy and churches should be preserved

  • b) Pre-revolution administration should be re-established

  • c) Feudalism should be restored

  • d) Monarchies were dangerous for nation-state

Answer :  Monarchy and churches should be preserved


Question :  Which of the following statements about economic nationalism are true?

  • a) It was supported by the middle class

  • b) It was promoted by liberal nationalists

  • c) It was supported by Napoleon

  • d) None of the options

Answer :  It was supported by the middle class


Question :  Zollverein, formed by Prussia and joined by many of the German states was a

  • a) Custom union

  • b) German police

  • c) German army

  • d) Trade union

Answer :  Custom union


Question :  Which of the following was not a demand of the liberals?

  • a) Universal suffrage

  • b) Representative Government

  • c) Inviolability of private property

  • d) Freedom of Markets

Answer :  Universal suffrage


Question :  Liberal nationalism, which dominated Europe in the early nineteenth century supported

  • a) All the options

  • b) Demand for constitution

  • c) Personal freedom

  • d) Abolishing privileges of aristocracy and clergy

Answer :  All the options


Question :  During the Eighteenth century which language was spoken by the aristocrats in Europe?

  • a) French

  • b) Greek

  • c) English

  • d) Dutch

Answer :  French


Question :  Which of the following were parts of the Hapsburg Empire?

  • a) Croatia, Sardinia, Greece, Poland, Austria-Hungary

  • b) Sudetenland, Austria-Hungary, Lombardy, Venetia

  • c) Galicia, Carniola, Bohemia, Lombardy, Venetia

  • d) Austria-Hungary, Bohemia, Lombardy, Venetia

Answer :  Croatia, Sardinia, Greece, Poland, Austria-Hungary


Question :  Napoleon's invasions were presented in several countries due to

  • a) Increased taxes, censorship and forced conscription into army

  • b) Dominance of aristocracy and army in administration

  • c) Poor administration, restricted trade, language issues

  • d) Growth of the feeling of nationalism

Answer :  Increased taxes, censorship and forced conscription into army


Question :  Civil code of 1804, enforced throughout the French territories

  • a) All the options

  • b) Secured right to property

  • c) Established equality before law

  • d) Abolished privileges based on birth

Answer :  All the options


Question :  On the pretext of helping the people of Europe to become nations, France plundered neighboring territories. Which of the following faced French aggression during 1790?

  • a) Holland, Switzerland, Brussels, Mainz, Milan and Warsaw

  • b) Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Prussia, Macedonia, Croatia

  • c) Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Poland, Prussia, Austria

  • d) Switzerland, Poland, Macedonia, Croatia, Sardinia

Answer :  Holland, Switzerland, Brussels, Mainz, Milan and Warsaw


Question :  Which of the following were not introduced by the French revolution?

  • a) Democracy and universal Suffrage

  • b) Universal right of a man

  • c) Participative administration and election

  • d) Constitution and equality before law

Answer :  Democracy and universal Suffrage


Question :  Which one of the following was not a part of the concept of nation-state?

  • a) Freedom from monarchy

  • b) Sovereignty

  • c) National identity based on culture and history

  • d) Clearly defined boundary

Answer :  Freedom from monarchy

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe SAQ:

Q 1. Explain liberalism in political and economic fields prevailing in Europe in the 19th century.

The term ‘liberalism’ derives from the Latin root ‘Liber’, meaning free. It was an ideology that stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law. 

Politically, liberalism stood for:

(a) Constitution.

(b) A representative government ruling by consent.

(c) A parliamentary system.

(d) Right to vote and get elected granted to property-owning men.

(e) End of the privileges of aristocracy and the clergy. Drawback of liberalism was that it did not grant equal rights to men and women, women had to struggle for their political rights.

Economically, liberalism stood for:

(a) Freedom of markets.

(b) End of state restrictions on movement of goods and capital.

(c) A customs union or Zollverein was formed by Prussia in 1834, which many German states joined.

(d) This union reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two and abolished tariff barriers.

(e) A network of railways led to great mobility and gave an impetus to national unity. It boosted economic nationalism.


Q 2. How did Romanticism seek to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiment during the 18th century? Explain.


“Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation in Europe.” Support the statement with examples.

Romanticism referred to a cultural movement that sought to develop a particular form of national sentiment.

Romanticism MovementRomanticism Movement

  • Romantic artists and poets generally criticized the glorification of reason and science.

  • They focussed on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings. Their effort was to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural past as the basis of a nation.

  • Some German Romantics like Johann Gottfried Herder thought that through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dance, the true spirit of the nation could be popularized. He claimed that true German culture was to be discovered among the common people.


Q 3. In which year was the unification of Italy completed? Mention two features of the unification movement.

The unification of Italy took place in 1860.

Two features of the unification movement are:

(a) Italian unification was the social and political movement that agglomerated different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of Italy in the 19th Century.

(b) After the fall of the Roman Empire Italy gradually developed into a system of the city-state.

Unification of ItalyUnification of Italy


Q 4. Why were the 1830s called the years of great economic hardship in Europe? Give any three reasons.

The 1830s were the years of great economic hardship in Europe due to the following reasons:

(a) There was an enormous increase in population all over Europe.

(b) There were more seekers of jobs than employment.

(c) People migrated from rural areas to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.

(d) There was stiff competition between the products of small producers and products imported from England where goods were made by machines as industrialization had already taken place there.


Q 5. Explain any three reasons for the nationalist upsurge in 19th Century Europe.

Reasons for the Nationalist upsurge in 19th-Century Europe:

(a) Oppression of people under absolute rulers.

(b) Liberal ideas spread by well-known philosophers and leaders.

(c) The French Revolution inspired the people to fight for freedom. The slogan ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ became the clarion call for the common people.


Q 6. Explain the role of language in developing nationalist sentiments in Europe.

  • At that time most of the people were illiterate. They were able to understand only regional vernacular or simple language. Thus, vernacular or regional language carried out the modern nationalist message to a large audience easily.

  • The message of nationalist sentiment was conveyed most effectively in the vernacular language. Folklore, folk tales and the activities concerned with vernacular language gave the feeling of nationalism and tied the people by the thread of national love and honor.


Q 7. “Italy had a long history of political fragmentation”. Support the statement by giving any three points.

The reasons are as follows:

(a) Italians were scattered over several dynastic states as well as the multinational Habsburg Empire.

(b) During the middle of the 19th century, Italy was divided into seven states, of which only one state - Sardinia - Piedmont - was ruled by an Italian princely house.

(c) The north was under Austrian Habsburgs, the center was ruled by the Pope and the southern regions were under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain.


Q 8. Explain how Ireland got incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801? What were the symbols of this new British nation?

The population of Ireland was divided into two categories - Catholics and Protestants. The British helped the Protestants to dominate the large Catholic population. Catholics opposed that suppression under the leadership of Wolfe Tone and his United Irishmen but they failed. At last, Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801. The symbols of the new British Kingdom (Nation) were - the British flag, i.e., Union Jack, the national anthem, i.e., God Save the King, and the English language was actively promoted. Finally, the Irish people were forced to live as subordinates in their own country.


Long Answer Type Questions

Q 1. After 1817 why was the Balkan region the most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe? Explain giving four reasons.

The Balkan region was a source of tension because of the following reasons:

(a) The Balkan region comprised modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, and its inhabitants were broadly called the Slavs.

(b) Large part of the Balkans was under the Ottoman Empire and the disintegration of which created an explosive situation. One by one its European subject nationalities broke away from its control and declared independence.

(c) Balkan peoples based their claims for independence or political rights on nationality and used history to prove that they were independent but subsequently subjugated.

(d) The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other & hoped to gain territory.

(e) Matters complicated because of intense rivalry among the European powers over trade and colonies as well as competition regarding naval and military might. This led to a series of wars in the region and finally the First World War.


Q 2. Explain any four provisions of Napoleon’s Civil Code of 1804.


State any three provisions of the Civil Code of 1804.

Napoleon incorporated revolutionary principles in the administrative field to make the whole system more rational and effective. His civil code of 1804 was known as the Napoleonic Code.

(a) First, he did away with all the privileges based on birth. Everyone became equal before the law. He abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial duties.

(b) He secured the right to property.

(c) Peasants, artisans, workers and new businessmen found newfound freedom as guild restrictions were removed in towns as well.

(d) Uniform laws, standardized weights and measures, a common national currency facilitated the movement and exchange of goods and capital from one region to another.


Q 3. How was the Habsburg Empire a patchwork of many different regions and people in Europe? Explain.

  • In mid-eighteenth century Europe, there were no 'nation-states' as we know them today. Eastern and Central Europe were under autocratic monarchies, having people of diverse ethnic groups. 

  • The Habsburg Empire was one such example. It ruled over Austria-Hungary, a patchwork of many different regions and peoples. It included the Alpine regions - Tyrol, Austria, and Switzerland - as well as Bohemia, where the aristocracy was predominantly German-speaking. It also included the Italian-speaking provinces of Lombardy and Venetia. 

  • In Hungary, half the population spoke Magyar, while the other half spoke a variety of dialects. In Galicia, the aristocracy spoke Polish. 

  • Besides these three dominant groups, there also lived within the territories a mass of subject peasant peoples - Bohemians, Slovaks to the north, Slovenes in Carniola, Croats to the south, the Romans to the east in Transylvania. The only tie binding these diverse groups together was a common allegiance to the emperor.


Q 4. When did the first clear-cut expression of nationalism come in France? How did the French Revolution lead to the transfer of sovereignty from the monarchy to a body of French citizens? Explain any three measures taken by the French revolutionaries in this regard.

(a) The first clear-cut expression of nationalism came to France with the French Revolution of 1789.

(b) The French revolutionaries introduced various measures and practices which proclaimed that it was the people who would henceforth constitute the nation and shape its destiny.

(c) The ideas of la Patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) emphasized the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution. A French flag, the tricolor, was chosen to replace the royal standard.

(d) The Estates-General was elected by the body of active citizens and renamed the National Assembly.

(e) A centralized administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all its citizens.


Q 5. How has French artist, Frederic Sorrieu, visualized in his first print, of the series of four prints, his dream of a world made up of 'democratic and social republics'? Explain.


Describe Frederic Sorrieu’s utopian vision of the world as depicted in his painting in 1848.Frederic Sorrieu`s PaintingFrederic Sorrieu's Painting

The French artist Fredrick Sorrieu prepared a series of four prints visualizing his dream of the world made up of ‘democratic and social republics’.

(a) His First Print showed people of Europe and America - men and women of all ages and social classes - marching in a long train, and offering homage to the Statue of Liberty as they pass by it.

(b) Liberty is of course personified as a woman, bearing the torch of Enlightenment in one hand and the charter of the Rights of Man in the other. (The artists of this time of the French Revolution portrayed Liberty as a female figure).

(c) On the earth, in the foreground of the image, lay the shattered remains of the symbols of Absolute institutions. Leading the procession, way past the Statue of Liberty, are the United States and Switzerland which were at that time already nation-states.

(d) In his print of Sorrieu, people of the world are grouped together as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costume. France, distinguished by its tricolor flag, has just reached the statue, and she is followed by Germany with their black and gold flag. (Germany was not yet united, but in 1848, when this painting was made, it expressed the hopes of the nation.)

(e) People of Austria, kingdoms of two Sicilies, Lombardy, Poland, England, Ireland, Hungary and Russia follow in that order. From the heavens, Christ, saints and angels gaze upon the scene. They have been used to symbolize fraternity among the nations of the world.


Q 6. Explain any four measures introduced by French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the people of France.

The French revolutionaries introduced various measures to create a sense of collective identity.

(a) The idea of la Patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) emphasized the idea of a united community enjoying equal rights under the Constitution.

(b) A new French flag, the tricolor, was chosen to replace the old royal standard.

(c) The Estates-General was elected by the body of active citizens and renamed the National Assembly.

(d) New hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs commemorated in the name of the nation.


Q 7. Describe four stages of unification of Germany.

(a) Nationalist feelings were widespread among middle-class Germans, who in 1848, tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state.

(b) From then on, Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for national unification. It's chief minister (Chancellor) Otto von Bismarck, the architect of this process, carried it out, with the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy.

German UnificationGerman Unification

(c) Three wars were fought over a span of seven years against Austria, Denmark and France, which ended in Prussian victory and completed the process of unification.

(d) In January 1871, the Prussian King William I was proclaimed German emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles. On 18 January 1871, the new German empire headed by Kaiser Wilhelm of Prussia was proclaimed.


Q 8. How did culture play an important role in creating the idea of a nation in Europe? Explain with four examples.

The feeling of nationalism was strengthened, developed and given encouragement by art, music, literature, drama. These played a big role in it. Their contribution was equal to the heroic battles fought by heroes.

(a) The Romantics like the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder believed that true German culture could be discovered only among the common people - das volk.

(b) Language played a very important role in boosting nationalism. The Polish people opposed the Russian occupation and the ban on Polish language, by using it in the Churches for all religious ceremonies and for religious instruction. The Polish language became a weapon in the hands of the nationalists and no amount of Russian atrocities could stop them. Two Germans, Grimm Brothers, used stories and folktales written in German language to promote the German spirit against the domination of the French. Grimm’s fairy tales became instant classics.

(c) Operas and music, like that of the Polish Karol Kurpinski, kept the national spirit alive.

(d) Folk dances like the polonaise and mazurka became national symbols.


Q 9. Mention any two economic obstacles that the liberal nationalists wanted to overcome. In what way did the Zollverein customs union of 1834 try to overcome these shortcomings?

  • During the early nineteenth century, Europe was closely allied to the ideology of liberalism. In reference to the economy, this liberalism denotes freedom of market, fewer restrictions of state on the movement of goods and capital. The main demand of the newly emerging middle class was to get rid of the economic problems.

  • Existence of countless small principalities, different currencies, and the number of customs barriers created obstacles to economic exchange and growth for the new commercial classes. To sort out that problem Prussia, including most of the German states, formed a customs union or Zollverein in 1834.

  • The Zollverein abolished tariff barriers, reduced the number of currencies, and created a network of railways for fast and heavy mobility. So a single solution for all these economic problems was known by the name of Zollverein.


Q 10. What is the significance of 1848 for France and the rest of Europe? What did the liberals demand?

  • With many revolts like revolts of the poor, unemployed workers and starving peasants during 1848 in Europe, the educated middle class of France also started a revolution for the abdication of the monarch and a republic based on universal male suffrage had been proclaimed. 

  • In other parts of Europe, men and women of the liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism with national unification. They took advantage of the growing popular unrest to push their demands for the creation of a nation state on parliamentary principles - a constitution, freedom of the press and freedom of association. 

  • The issue of extending political rights to women was the most controversial subject matter within the liberal movement in which a large number of women had participated actively.


Q 11. How did the Greek War of Independence mobilize nationalist feeling among the educated elite across Europe? Give four points.

(a) Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire since the fifteenth century. The growth of revolutionary nationalism in Europe motivated the Greeks to start a struggle for independence which began in 1821.

(b) Reaction of the struggle inspired the educated elite class of Europe and filled them, with nationalistic feeling.

(c) Greece got support from other Greeks also residing in different countries. Poets and artists lauded Greece as the cradle of European civilization and mobilized public opinion to support its struggle against a Muslim empire.

(d) English poet Lord Byron organized a fund and participated in the war. Finally, in 1832 Greece was recognized as an independent nation by the Treaty of Constantinople.

Greek War of IndependenceGreek War of Independence


Q 12. “Till the mid-eighteenth century, there were no nation-states in Europe.” Support the statement with four examples.

  • During the mid-eighteenth century, there were no nation-states in Europe, Germany, Italy and Switzerland were ruled by different rulers with autonomous territories. 

  • Autocratic monarchies were there in the eastern and central part of Europe. These areas were occupied by different people. They did not see themselves as sharing a collective identity or common culture. They spoke different languages and belonged to different ethnic groups, like the area of Austria - Hungary included the Alpine region the Tyrol. Sudetenland and Bohemia were dominated by German-speaking people. It also included the province of Lombardy and Venetia which had Italian speaking people. In Hungary, half of the population spoke Magyar and the other half of the population spoke different dialects. In the part of Galicia, the aristocratic class spoke Polish.

  • Besides these three dominant groups, a mass of subject-peasant people like - Romans to the east in Transylvania, Bohemians and Slovaks to the north, Slovenes in Carniola and the Croats to the south lived within the boundary. The only tie binding those different groups together was a common allegiance to the emperor.


Q 13. What was the main objective of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815? Mention any three important features of the treaty.

The main objective of the treaty of Vienna was to nullify all the changes that had come into existence during the Napoleonic wars. The Bourbon dynasty restores its power which had been deposed during the French Revolution. To prevent the expansion of France in the future, a number of states were set up on the boundaries of France.

Treaty of ViennaTreaty of Vienna

The kingdom of the Netherlands including Belgium was set up in the north and Genoa, including Piedmont, established in the south. Prussia was given important new territories on the western frontier, while Austria was given control of northern Italy. The German confederation of 39 states which was set up by Napoleon was left untouched. Prussia was given to Russia. The main intention behind that set up was to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon and create a new conservative order in Europe.


Q 14. Describe any four features of the landed aristocracy class of the European continent.

The European continent was dominated by the landed aristocratic class socially as well as politically. This landed aristocratic class was united by a common way of life that cut across regional divisions. They had their own estates and townhouses in the countryside. The families of the landed aristocratic class got married within their own class.

The landed aristocratic classThe landed aristocratic class

The occupation of the majority population was agriculture. Europe was divided into two major parts on the basis of occupation. The western part was served by tenants and small owners of land or small landlords. While in eastern and central Europe the pattern of landholding was characterized by the vast estate which was cultivated by serfs.


Q 15. How was the Habsburg Empire a patchwork of many different regions and peoples in Europe? Explain

  • The Habsburg Empire included the Alpine regions - Tyrol, Austria, Sudetenland and Bohemia. It also included the Italian - speaking provinces of Lombardy and Venetia. 

  • In Hungary, half of the population spoke Magyar while the other half spoke a variety of dialects. 

  • In Galicia, the aristocracy spoke Polish. Besides, there also lived a mass of subject peasant people-Bohemians, Slovaks, Slovenes, Croats, and the Romans. 

  • The only tie binding these diverse groups together was a common allegiance to the emperor.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe LONG QUESTION:

Q.1. How did the French territory undergo changes due to the Treaty of Vienna in 1815?

Ans. Representatives of European powers, i.e. Austria, Britain, Russia and Prussia met at Vienna in 1815 after having defeated Napoleon. The Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich was the head of the Congress. Here the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 was drawn to undo the changes after the Napoleonic wars.

Thus the Bourbon dynasty, deposed during the French Revolution, was put back in power even as France lost the territories it had annexed under Napoleon. To prevent every future expansion of France, many states were set up on France’s boundaries. So the kingdom of Netherlands including Belgium came up in the north, while Genoa came together with Piedmont in the south.

Prussia received some important new territories on its western frontiers. Austria gained control of northern Italy. The 39 states in the German Confederation as set up by Napoleon underwent no changes. In the east, Russia received a part of Poland and Prussia received a part of Saxony.

The objective was to restore the monarchies overthrown by Napoleon and create a new conservative order in Europe.


Q.2. Discuss the lives of the aristocrats and the new middle class in 19th century Europe.

Ans. In the 19th century Europe, the landed aristocracy dominated all social and political spheres. They were united by a common lifestyle. They owned huge estates in the countryside and some had large townhouses too. Their spoken language was French, both in high society and in diplomatic circles. Most of the aristocratic families were connected by marriage. The aristocrats formed a small group but held a lot of power.

Peasants comprised the larger group of the population. To the west, most of the land was farmed by small owners and tenants. In eastern and central Europe, the pattern of landholding was characterized by vast estates cultivated by the serfs. In the western and some parts of central Europe industrial production and trade was on the rise and with them towns grew and the commercial classes emerged.

Their existence was based on production for the market. Industrialization took birth in England in the 1850s but France and Germany experienced it only during the 19th century. This caused the emergence of new social groups — working class and middle class.

The latter comprised industrialists, businessmen and professionals. These groups were not many in central and eastern Europe. So it was the liberal, educated middle-class which encouraged national unity after aristocratic privileges were abolished.


Q.3. What views did the conservatives hold?

Ans. Napoleon was defeated in 1815 and soon European governments adopted the idea of conservatism. The conservatives held the belief that established traditional institutions of state and society like monarchy, church, social hierarchies, property and family must be protected and preserved.

They never proposed a pre-revolutionary period to return to but they knew that as Napoleon had carried out changes, modernization would in fact contribute to a strong monarchy. They believed that it would strengthen the power of the state and make it much more effective.

For them it was a firm belief that aristocratic monarchies of Europe would gain much from a modern army, an efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and serfdom.


Q.4. Friedrich List, Professor of Economics at the University of Tubingen in Germany, wrote in 1834.

“The aim of the Zollverein is to bind the Germans economically into a nation. It will strengthen the nation materially as much by protecting its interests externally as by stimulating its internal productivity. It ought to awaken and raise national sentiment through a fusion of individual and provincial interests. The German people have realized that a free economic system is the only means to engender national feelings.”

Read the statement by Professor List and discuss what political ends he hoped would be achieved by economic measures.

Ans. Professor List was sure that economic measures could result in certain political ends

(a) A national economy binds the nation together. For example, Zollverein abolished tariff barriers. It also reduced the currencies from thirty to two. This economic union was joined by most of the German states and brought them together and created a national feeling.

(b) It also promoted internal productivity, for example, to help trade growth, a network of railways was needed for increased mobility. This also brought people together.

(c) Economic measures like the Zollverein also protected the nation's external interests (the use of common currency and abolishing of tariffs). This fusion of individual and provincial interests aroused national sentiments in people.


Q.5. The French philosopher Ernst Renan (1823-92) outlined his understanding of a nation in the following way:

“A nation is the result of a long past of endeavors, sacrifice and devotion. A heroic past, great men, glory, that is the social capital upon which one bases a national idea. To have common glories in the past, to have a common will in the present, to have performed great deeds together, to wish to perform still more, these are the essential conditions of being a people. A nation is, therefore, large-scale solidarity … Its existence is a daily plebiscite … A province is its inhabitants; if anyone has the right to be consulted, it is the inhabitants. A nation never has any real interest in annexing or holding on to a country against its will. The existence of nations is a good thing, a necessity even. Their existence is a guarantee of liberty, which would be lost if the world had only one law and only one master.”

(a) What, according to Renan, are the attributes of a nation?

(b) Why does he think nations are important?

(c) How is his idea different from others? Do you agree with him?


(a) According to Renan, a nation must have people who have shared “a glorious past,” and have a desire, a will to perform deeds together for the glory of the country in the present and in the future also. There is solidarity. They belong to the nation and have to be consulted on any issue, they exercise their rights daily. A nation does not want to grab territories, it does not want to conquer any country or dominate it against the will of the people.

(b) A nation is necessary because it guarantees freedom to every citizen. This liberty (individual) would be lost, if there was a uniform law for everyone and only one ruler.

(c) He differs from others as he does not believe that a nation speaks the same language, follows the same religion, belongs to the same race and occupies the same territory. I agree with him. India is a nation made of different races, different religions, we speak different languages, follow different cultures. Yet, we have unity in diversity as we have a common past and a desire to live together.


Q.6. What is the significance of the symbols given in this picture?

Long Answer Questions - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 Notes | EduRevAns. Each symbol has meaning and significance.

(a) The broken chains represent freedom, freedom from slavery.

(b) The breastplate with an eagle on it represents the German Empire and its strength (the eagle is a strong bird).

(c) The tricolor — black, red and gold — was the flag of liberal nationalists in 1848. It was banned by the Dukes of the German states. A flag always unites people and arouses national feelings.

(d) The sword symbolizes a readiness to fight. The German nation was ever ready to fight for its honor.

(e) The crown of oak leaves stands for courage, bravery and heroism.

(f) The olive branches around the sword show that Germans are as eager for peace as they are eager to fight.

(g) The rays of the rising sun symbolizes the beginning of a new era as a united German nation.


Q.7. Read the two opinions about the role of women in society:

1. Carl Welcker: A liberal politician member of the Frankfurt Parliament:

‘Nature has created men and women to cany out different functions ... Man, the stronger, the bolder and peer of the two, has been designated as the protector of the family, its provider, meant for public tasks in the domain of law, production, defense. Woman, the weaker, dependent and timid, requires the protection of man. Her sphere is the home, the care of the children, the nurturing of the family ... Do we require any further proof that given such differences, equality’ between the sexes would only endanger harmony and destroy the dignity of the family?’

2. Louise Otto Peters, a political activist, wrote in a journal (21 April, JS4Q): ‘Let us ask how many men, possessed by thoughts of Rising and dying for the sake of Liberty, would be prepared to fight for the freedom of the entire people, of all human beings? When asked this question, they would all too easily respond with a “Yes' ', though their untiring efforts are intended for the benefit of only one half of humanity— men. But Liberty is mdnisible' Free men therefore must not tolerate to be surrounded by the unfree.

(a) What according to Carl Welcker is a woman’s function? Does he think women should be given equality and liberty?

(b) Louise Otto Peters asks a question in his article. What is the significance of his question? How does he define liberty?


(a) A woman, according to Carl Welcker, is weak, timid and needs the protection of the strong, bold, free man. He confines the woman to the kitchen, home and children. He does not support equality and liberty for women. A woman must remain subservient to a man.

(b) Louise Otto Peters is certainly a feminist. Does he want to know whether men are prepared to fight for “freedom of the entire people, all human beings”? His question is significant because though the men will unanimously answer “yes” , they are not ready to grant this freedom to women, who constitute half the population of the world.

For him Liberty is indivisible, it cannot be given to some and not to others. He certainly holds a totally different view from Carl Welcker, who is a male chauvinist!


Q.8. How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe?


How was the formation of the nation-state the result of a long drawn-out process in Britain? Explain.

Ans. In Britain, the formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution. It was the result of a long-drawn-out process. There was no British nation prior to the eighteenth century. All the ethnic groups had their own cultural and political traditions.

But as the English nation steadily grew in wealth, importance and power, it extended influence over other nations of the island. The English parliament, which had seized power from the monarchy in 1688 at the end of a protracted conflict, was the instrument through which a nation-state, with England at its center, came to be forged.

The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’ meant, in effect, that England was able to impose its influence on Scotland. The British parliament was henceforth dominated by its English members.

The growth of a British identity meant that Scotland’s distinctive culture and political institutions were systematically suppressed. Ireland suffered a similar fate. It was a country deeply divided between Catholics and Protestants. The English helped the Protestants of Ireland to establish their dominance over a largely Catholic country. Catholic revolts against British dominance were suppressed.


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